Forum Replies Created
yes you can.
About which columns are you talking about? can you show us exactly where we can see it?
Best regards,
you won’t loose any settings when using a child theme.
Yes you are right, use a separator/whitespace element to achieve horizontal spacing.Best regards,
AndyHi set70!
asterisk symbols are showing fine for me on mobile. Which device and browser are you using?
not sure what you mean and glad you could fix it. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist.
Best regards,
AndyHi Oliver!
please contact plugin’s author about the issue with this plugin. If he can’t fix it, then you would need to search another plugin. We have no experience with such a special function.
Best regards,
these are not google fonts, that’s why. However, with
font-family: verdana;
you can easily define the font.
Best regards,
we can’t do much about it, as the link does not work anywhere. I tried it as a normal link on a page. You would need to ask in general WordPress forum if need help with this.
I updated the code in your Quick CSS. Please review your website now.
you can control image sizes with this plugin:
Don’t forget to regenerate the thumbnails you have modified.Regards,
I have never heard about this issue before. Again: can you provide us admin access, so we can take a closer look? post login details here as private reply.
Best regards,
AndyAugust 20, 2015 at 6:16 pm in reply to: Preis-Tabelle: Zeilen-Zuordnung von Beschreibungs- zu Standardspalte #490974Hi!
also leider wird es schwieriger als erst gedacht. Mit custom class geht es leider auch nicht. Yigit hat hier eine Lösung parat, die allerdings nicht responsive ist:
@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) { .page-id-1750 .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(1) { position: relative; right: -18px; } .page-id-1750 .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(1) li:nth-child(4) { padding: 30px 10px; } .page-id-1750 .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(1) li:nth-child(5) { padding: 83px 10px; } .page-id-1750 .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(1) li:nth-child(6) { padding: 71px 10px; }}
Mehr können wir dir leider nicht anbieten. Für weitere customizations müsstest du einen Freelancer engagieren.
try to deactivate all plugins, to see if one is causing this issue.
nein gibt es nicht. Nimmst du den Standart Editor hast du die automatischen Blogoptionen bereits alle. Nimmst du den ALB musst du alles selbst machen.
try with an !important:
@media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { #makers .avia-section main_color avia-section-default avia-no-border-styling avia-full-stretch avia-bg-style-fixed avia-builder-el-80 el_after_av_hr el_before_av_hr av-minimum-height av-minimum-height-custom container_wrap fullsize { background-image: url( !important; } }
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
I removed the landscape code cause it’s not necessary and implemented this code into your Quick CSS field instead:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { div#full_slider_1 { min-height: 300px !important; } .avia-slideshow li img { min-height: 300px; } .caption_bottom .slideshow_caption .slideshow_inner_caption .slideshow_align_caption { padding: 0px 0px; }}
Please review your website now.
AndyHey francisdelhaye!
you are using an old version of the theme. Please update to Enfold v.3.3
please separate each question/issue into different tickets.
To push your header widget to the right use this code:
div#black-studio-tinymce-9 { right: 17px; }
AndyAugust 20, 2015 at 1:33 pm in reply to: Can I create a portfolio page that people can download from? #490750Hey!
there is no special function for this in the theme. There are lots of plugins out there for this kind of share function. You need to search one by your own.
AndyAugust 20, 2015 at 1:31 pm in reply to: Aligning Gravity Forms fields with WooCommerce Enfold #490749Hi!
add this code as well:
div#gform_wrapper_2 { margin-left: 16px; } input#input_2_2 { position: relative; left: 15px; }
hm what do you mean? did you replace my last code with the first one? don’t replace it, instead use both codes. If it does not work use the code for landscape and this one (for portrait) as well:
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 414px) and (max-device-width: 736px) and (orientation: portrait) { div#full_slider_1 { min-height: 300px !important; } .avia-slideshow li img { min-height: 300px; }}
AndyAugust 20, 2015 at 1:18 pm in reply to: Preis-Tabelle: Zeilen-Zuordnung von Beschreibungs- zu Standardspalte #490740Hey!
ich kann sehen, dass du die Zeile zwar eingefügt hast, aber du hast sie ausgeklammert, weswegen der Code dann nicht funktioniert.. Nutz den Code ohne “//” davor.
Ich kann jedoch nicht 100% sagen, ob wir es hinkriegen werden dadurch so wie du es für die eine Tabelle wünscht. Ich hoff es wird klappen. Sag bescheid, wenn die custom class aktiviert sindGruß,
adjust my code for landscape mode, to something like this:
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 414px) and (max-device-width: 736px) and (orientation: landscape) { div#full_slider_1 { min-height: 300px !important; } .avia-slideshow li img { min-height: 300px; }}
Best regards,
AndyAugust 20, 2015 at 1:05 pm in reply to: Farbiger Menu-Button mit direktem Link auf externe Seite #490729Hi!
glad we could help. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.
du, da hast du recht. Wenn es nicht am Theme liegt, können wir leider nicht viel machen. Ich würde an deiner Stelle mal im allgemeinen WordPress Support Forum fragen.
AndyHi ImageMagician!
check your permalink settings in Settings->Permalinks.
AndyHey Emilvillumsen!
does it happen when you try to use it as a background-image with a default WordPress theme as well? I think you need to contact amazon about this issue, as other background-images are working fine. I found this by the way: this helps.
AndyAugust 19, 2015 at 3:07 pm in reply to: How to make the submenu to take the full width of the page #490112Hey DROR!
try this code:
.responsive .container { max-width: 1220px; }
that why Yigit suggested to use a child theme. Are you using one? if not every change you implemented to the theme files will be overwritten when updating. A tutorial on how to use a child theme:
please deactivate all plugins to check if one is causing this issue. When the error continues then there might be some corrupted files and in this case you need to delete all theme files via FTP before getting a fresh copy from your themeforest account.
Andy -
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by