He tryed today to import the democontant in local host. that also did not worked. Also we tried on another hosting. Please help me. You have the logindatas of the page.
Hello I tried this. I downloaded the demo content (I uploaded it for you to mega for you: https://mega.nz/#!JdNUgKgY!tj5S3tjFjfOtgSZsEqkWiKHUAsFAUXqdnhJg7ADtIGo) and imported it with the plugin WordPress importer. I followd you description. It tried to import but did at the end not worked. I waited 2 min, after that the page was blank and nothing was imported. Please can you import the contant.
Hello I talked with my provider, the ram is 256, thats not the problem. Can you perhaps login and check what is the probelm?
I want to import Import: Freelancer Demo content