This fixed this particular issue on the phone (thank you!) but I just checked things on the iPad for the first time and came up with two new issues:
1. Same page but viewing via iPad, it is still displaying the cells side by side horizontally (like on desktop) but it does funky things to the right cell and stretches and crops that background image too much. If there isn’t an elegant fix for keeping the columns side by side when viewing by iPad, can we force that second cell below the text cell, as it does for mobile view?
2. I don’t think this is related to our fix for the About page… but for all pages, the top header with logo and nav bar run into each other. WAIT, I solved this myself ;) NEVER MIND — I found the setting to activate the mobile header menu for tablets too. So my only issue is #1 above!
Thanks, this is coming along. I am waiting on photos from a photographer (so issue #2 is on hold for now) but regarding issue #1 — it worked as far as removing the button circle from the last navigation item, and now I have most of the menu items getting highlighted with underline upon mouseover as I had wanted. However that last menu item — Contact — does not underline upon mouseover. Any ideas?