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  • Ok, thanks. That worked!

    in reply to: Enfold scripts and CSS do not load using https #1152562

    Update: the problem was solved by itself after a couple of hours. Nobody really knows why :-)

    in reply to: Problem with footer after changing a page layout #556653

    Any progress on this topic? :-)

    in reply to: Problem with footer after changing a page layout #555402

    Ok, I posted the login details. You can disable all plugins, because we are not aware that any plugins are running :-)

    in reply to: Problem with footer after changing a page layout #553250


    It’s quite simple actually :-)
    This is how we set up a new site:
    We purchase a Linux hosting.
    We create a database on that hosting.
    We download the most recent WordPress installation.
    We change the config file to add the database, pasword, and secret keys.
    We upload the WordPress install to the server, and activate it (we only set an admin username and pasword, no other changes are made).
    We purchase and upload the Enfold template.
    In WordPress we apply the Enfold template .
    We import the “Enfold Flat Business Demo”.
    We delete the pages and blog posts that we don’t need. Usually we only keep the Home and Contact pages.
    We changes some options like color scheme, logo’s and footer text in the Enfold menu.
    We open the homepage and start modifying the page, and boom it happens as soona s the layout is changed!
    We only use the Avia Layout builder for all changes.
    So no plugins or special code.

    As soon as we add or remove a layout element the problem starts. For example changing a layout element from size 1/3 to 2/3.
    Also when a layout element is moved or resized.
    Changing Content elements or Media elements usually causes no harm if we keep them in the same layout element. However when we add a horozontal line or whitespace things move around, and the problem starts again.

    It also happens on all other pages that we create afterwards, and we have exact same the problem on all of the websites we manage.

    I provided a dropbox link in the private content where you can see 2 screenshots of the bottom half of a webpage. One is OK, the other shows what goes wrong.

    in reply to: Problem with footer after changing a page layout #552038


    No, we do not use custom HTML elements for modifications. We just use the template as described in the original post, and make small modifications using the advanced layout editor. For example changing an element from size 2/3 to 3/5 already causes this effect.
    So we only click an arrow on the element to change the size, we click to preview the page, and the footer is “destroyed”.

    Adding or removing elements also causes this.
    We never modify the code directly. We only use the controls provided by the advanced layout editor.

    Since we only do basic editing and have this problem on all the websites we manage using the Enfold template, I a suprised that not more people are seeing this.

    I would like to attach some screenshots here that show the problem, but I can not seem to find a way to do that here.

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