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  • in reply to: Menu burgen not showing on mobile #1012690

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the support. I managed to get it fixed. thanks to the link you’d sent.
    Best regards,


    in reply to: theme-editor.php not supported. #1009014

    Please note that the Solid Code Editor is no longer supported due to security issues
    Best regards,


    in reply to: Menu burgen not showing on mobile #1008855

    Hi Mike,

    Sorry for the late response. An other project kept me busy.
    Maybe I should better discribe what I am trying to achieve.
    What I would like to achieve:
    – remove the enfold logo in the header when the visitot views the website on pc, tablet and mobile phones and display the site identity without loosing the menu.

    Additional (but not important)
    where site title: – font:mistral; font-size:25px; font-color:white
    and tagline: – font:arial; font-size:15px; font-color:red

    See one of my previous treads:
    The reason you see the menu in header when looking at the website over a mobile phone is because I remmed (temporary diabled) the code below in the function.php

    add_action(‘avf_logo_final_output’, function() {
    <div class=”custom_logo”>
    <H2><?php echo get_bloginfo( ‘name’, ‘display’ ); ?></H2>
    <H4><?php echo get_bloginfo( ‘description’, ‘display’ ); ?></H4>
    return ob_get_clean();

    As soon as I enable the code above, then I see the sidetitle and tagline again, but is the menu gone.
    Do you have any advise how to solve this?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by alteba. Reason: remove unnessecary code
    in reply to: enfold suitable for this website?? #582917

    I found an example but that is Jquery and I don’t know if and how I can add jquery in the theme.
    Can jQuery be combined with enfold?

    Het is the example I found:

    $(‘.case’).each(function() {
    var link = $(this).html();

    case is the name of the class

    in reply to: enfold suitable for this website?? #582911

    I was thinking of two different methods to work with..

    1) use a transparent gif (1×1 px) and make it clickable. The only thing is…..
    I can’t place it anywhere without disturbing the current content/layout

    2) use a custom CSS which I added by adding code to the functions.php as described in:
    It should allow me to add e.g. ‘link_adviseur’ in the custom css field of the layout element,
    then add code in the quick CSS that explains that all items with ‘link_adviseur’ can be clicked and redirected to an url.
    But I don’t know how to make this code for the quick css.

    I think the second option is maybe the best. Can you help me achieving this?
    I am looking forward to your reply

    best regards

    Bart Altena

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by alteba.
    in reply to: enfold suitable for this website?? #582535

    Hi Ismael.

    Thank you for the response. working with grid row elements does allow me to place images as background.
    The problem with images as background is the aspect ratio (which I completely forgot).
    With different sized windows the section is deformed due to incapability of images to resize both width and height without adjusting the aspect ratio. So I can not continue using an Image with text without the image deforming.

    I created a new solution with an Avia Layout Element. But is there any way to link a layout element and all its content?

    I now have an element containing a background image, cell padding 60px from the top and placed a special header, a textblock and an image at the bottom of the cell. I want the visitor to redirect to a different page as soon as he clicks somewhere in the cell.

    Best regards,

    Bart Altena

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by alteba. Reason: minor grammar adjustments, so you guys better understand
    in reply to: theme enfold: upload of big fotos #582525

    try create a .htaccess file in the root of your website and place the following in the .htaccess
    The file can be made with a notepad.

    php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
    php_value post_max_size 20M
    php_value max_execution_time 200
    php_value max_input_time 200

    It allows you to upload 20Mb files instead of the default 2Mb wordpress allows you.

    in reply to: change font color of only the search bar #564515

    thumbs up!!! That is exactly as I requested.
    Thank you for the support


    in reply to: remove enfold logo from header #551199

    yup, That did the job.


    enjoy the weekend.

    in reply to: remove enfold logo from header #550952

    Hi Josue,

    Sorry for the late response but I only noticed this shortly.
    When adding your code to the functions.php then the menu also disappears when viewing the website on a mobile phone.

    I changed the rights of the function.php, screenshot.png and the style.css
    together with the installation of SC Theme Editor, you should be able to adjust the functions.php as per requested.

    I hope you can help me out once more.


    in reply to: remove enfold logo from header #534195

    Hi Josue,

    Please have a look at
    Thanks for your help in advance
    Best regards,


    in reply to: remove enfold logo from header #533968

    Hi Josue,

    I don’t know if I should reopen this ticket or just place a reply.
    I am puzzling all morning to get it right and it seems I fail.

    What I would like to achieve:
    – remove the logo (regardless whether there is a logo uploaded in the theme options or not) on both pc and mobile phone
    – display the site identity
    where site title with: – font:mistral; font-size:25px; font-color:white
    and tagline with – font:arial; font-size:15px; font-color:red

    Below is a copy of the quick CSS in the theme options. As you can see I add first the code you gave me to remove the logo
    This code does not only remove the logo, but also the site identity as site title and tagline.
    The code between /* =================================================== */
    is code where I have been experimenting with code to be able to display the site identity

    below the second /* =================================================== */
    is where the rest of the code (including description and source) goes

    Everything below the second /* =================================================== */ I find irrelevant but I kept it in this post in case I am wrong and it does effects the behaviour of the logo and site identity afterall.

    Can you please help me?
    Best regards,


    /* begin quick css */

    verwijderd het logo en site identity
    removes both site logo and site identidy
    .logo {
    visibility: hidden !important;

    /* =================================================== */
    .logo a {
    line-height: 40px;
    top: 20px;
    font-size: 20px;

    span.subtext {
    color: grey;
    font-size: 25px;

    span.tagline {
    position: absolute;
    color: red;
    /* =====================================================*/

    maakt de achtergrond van de menubalk blauw
    makes the background color of the menu bar turn blue
    no link available from forum
    .header_color .header_bg {
    background-size: cover;
    #header_main_alternate, .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu ul:first-child {
    background: #3b5998;

    verwijderd de rand om plaatjes heen
    removes the border from pictures containing a hyperlink
    a img, a:hover img{
    border: none !important;
    background: transparent !important

    .entry img{
    border: none !important;
    background: transparent !important

    verwijderd de pijl over een plaatje met een link
    removes the overlay on a picture with link
    .image-overlay {
    display: none !important;

    in reply to: remove enfold logo from header #509859

    Thanks Josue,

    That did the trick. I am very happy with you guys. Amazingly quick with your solutions.
    You deserve a big thumbs up!!

    Enjoy your monday.


    in reply to: stretched header image in a stretched layout #502690

    Now that is exactly why I love Enfold…You guys are the extra bonus you get when you purchase the theme. Thank you for the code!!
    It does exactly what I requested.


    in reply to: what is best resolution and size for fullscreen slider #455615

    Cheers Josue,

    Thanks for the good advise.
    Much appreciated.


    Hi Edfritz and Josue,

    Thank you indeed for your input. I don’t have the impresion the theme streches the picture. Instead it cropes the picture to fit it in the window.

    I was very frustrated that I wasn’t able to see the whole picture. Instead the slider displayed a ‘zoomed’ version.
    Unfortunately I was not able to take the picture again making sure there was enough surrounding around the object. So part of the object is cropped away. I gues that comes with the ability display the website in a resizable window. Maybe it is a nice RFE (request for enhancement) to enable the webdesigner a choice to either stretch the picture or crop the picture to fit the window.

    I managed to display the most important part of the picture by using ‘manage picture’ an slide the picture up.
    But still not very happy with the result.

    in reply to: how to disable hover (onmouseover) on images #434141

    Hi Yigit,

    thanks again for the quick reply and good support.
    Unfortunately the code does not what I want.

    I changed into

    .image-overlay { display: none !important; }

    #main a:hover {
    -webkit-transform: scale(1.05,1.05);
    transform: scale(1.05,1.05);
    transition: all .3s ease-in-out;
    -webkit-transition: all .3s ease-in-out;
    #main a {
    transition: all .3s ease-in-out;
    -webkit-transition: all .3s ease-in-out;

    and now it work perfect.
    I only hope I don’t break anything.


    in reply to: how to disable hover (onmouseover) on images #434121

    Hi Yigit,

    You’re fast thanks for that.
    Your solution changes indeed al pictures making them a bit bigger on onmouseover.
    Unfortunately my sliders also grow bigger on a onmouseover event.
    Is it possible to do the transition only when the image contains a link?
    So not the sliders. and not the images without a link?

    Thanks for the support


    in reply to: how to disable hover (onmouseover) on images #434100

    Cheers Yigit.

    The overla is disabled. Thanks.

    Is it much work to enable the same overlay for all pictures (which we just disabled) as in the masonry gallery?
    Best regards,

    Bart Altena

    djee… you’re quick. it works!! great. thanks a lot again!

    Is this plain PHP? or is there more to learn to write this kind of code?

    Hi Josue,

    One last question, if I may:
    What if I have multiple fields to display.
    I have created a field with field name: fieldtitel
    and another with field name: fieldcatnr

    What would the code then look like?
    Is it correct to state:

    function filter_attachment_content($content) {
    $acf = get_field(‘fieldtitel,fieldcatnr’);
    return $content.$acf;
    add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘filter_attachment_content’);

    You are one patient guy. Thank you very much as it is working
    Cheers. Where can I send you the beer?

    don’t tell me it was just the ‘fieldtitel’
    Big thumbs up for you!!

    Hi Josue,

    Sorry to disappoint you but it didn’t do what it supposed to do.
    I stil don’t see the extra fields in the attachment page.
    The code in the WP quick bar is indeed gone.

    I have no glue what to do!
    I tried your code in the fonctions.php of the enfold child theme.
    I even added ?> behind your code so it closes the <?php
    Or placed the code in the funcions.php of the parent enfold theme (non-child theme)
    but nothing helped.

    Sorry to be such a burden but do you have any ideas left?


    This reply has been marked as private.

    cheers, I have to wait for tomorrow to tesdt it. thanks in advance

    Hi Josue,

    Thanks for the quick reply. But I don’t intent to build an attachment.php. I just need to know where to put the code for ACF (advanced custom fields). In my WP media library I have a picture with default ‘caption’ and ‘description’ and also an extra field ‘titel van het werk’ (see picture 1)

    wordpress media library
    picture 1

    the picture is shown in (picture 2)

    picure 2

    Ones you click the picture you are redirected to the attachment page. Which shows the ‘caption’ and ‘description’, but not (yet) the ‘titel van het werk’ as shown in as shown on picture 3

    picture 3

    I am trying to figure out where I can put the code. (I know which code to implement thanks to ACF)
    Example: in theme twentyfourteen I can add the code in the image.php, but I don’t know the file in enfold which is responsible for the attachment-page. Any Ideas?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by alteba.
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