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  • in reply to: Social Icons – mobile #1187346

    It works. So you can close it.
    Thanks to all.


    in reply to: Social Icons – mobile #1187336

    OK Thanks to you and Mike.
    You can close it.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Social Icons – mobile #1187239

    Hi Mike,

    i test your code. The small screen is working. But the middle-screen-size not. So I test it with both codes, like…

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){ 
    .responsive #top #header .social_bookmarks {
        display: block;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all #header .social_bookmarks, .responsive #top #wrap_all #main .av-logo-container .social_bookmarks {
        display: block !important;

    With this is working for all sizes. But is it right or needed “so much” code?



    in reply to: Social Icons – mobile #1187093

    Hi Rikard,

    i test them with Huawei P10 / P30 and iPhone.
    But you will see the problem also with the Edge Browser.

    On the private contend you will see two screen´s (Edge) with a small and a bigger window. The same size with a referent Site (This site I found here with the same question, but there is working)

    Also in the private contend you will find the domains form the other side.

    You can see, my site don´t show the icons on smaller size window.


    in reply to: Burgermenu too bis space #1178476

    You can close it.


    in reply to: Burgermenu too bis space #1178276

    Hi Jordan,
    it works. Thanks.


    in reply to: Update Enfold im Backend #1154658


    in reply to: Update Enfold im Backend #1154192

    Hi Rikard,
    in the private contend you will find the access to the backend.


    in reply to: Enfold – Language change #1014280

    Hi Dude,

    it works. Thanks for your fast relpay.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: H1 setting (size) for Mobile #933786

    Hi Nikko,

    i think it works. Thank you.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: removing h3 tag in footer widget title #928522

    It doesn´t work. May the Problem is, i use a “default widget area” an no custom widget area.
    I would like to change the <h3> Tag into a <div> Tag in the footer (default wieget area?)

    I tryed your code, also I tryed to change the code into the Enfold/framework/php/class-sidebar-generator.php
    Both dosn´t work. Is ther an other PHP File to change?


    in reply to: removing h3 tag in footer widget title #926611

    Hi Ismael

    Could “we” (you) adjust your code

    add_filter('avia_custom_widget_args', 'avia_custom_widget_args_mod', 10, 1);
    function avia_custom_widget_args_mod($args) {
    	$args['before_title'] = '<div class="widgettitle">';
    	$args['after_title']  = '</div>';
    	return $args;

    to cange H3 into da div for default widget area, or should I change it in the Enfold/framework/php/class-sidebar-generator.php?

    For Example?

    'before_title'  => '<h3 class="widgettitle">', 
    				'after_title'   => '</h3>'


    'before_title'  => '<div class="widgettitle">', 
    				'after_title'   => '</div>'

    A lot of thanks to you.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by alex_0111.
    in reply to: Logo NOT en empty strong tag #924439

    It works with the new update.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Logo NOT en empty strong tag #923934

    Hi is actually the strong Tag replaced by a span?
    Theme Updates
    No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (3.8.4)
    But on my site i have still this strong-Tag for the Logo.

    Best Regards.

    in reply to: masonry gallery Hentry #888287

    Hi Ismael,
    I get a problem with the function.php, so i have to deactivated temporary.
    I gave this Job to an programer. Now it works for Hentry.

    May some other people can use them:

    add_filter( 'avf_masonry_loop_prepare', 'avf_masonry_loop_prepare_mod_schema', 10, 2 );
    function avf_masonry_loop_prepare_mod_schema( $key, $entries )
        $output = '';
        $separator = ' ';
        $content = get_the_time('c', $entries->ID);
    	$date = get_the_time('F j, Y', $entries->ID);
        $author = ob_get_clean();
        $output .= '<span class="entry-author-link" >';
        $output .= '<span class="vcard author"><span class="fn" style="visibility: hidden;">';
        $output .= $author;
    	$output .= '</span>' . '<br />' . $separator;
    	$output .= '<time style="visibility: hidden;" class="entry-date updated" datetime="'. esc_html( $content ) . '" pubdate>' . esc_html( $date ) . '</time>';
        $key['text_before'] .= $output;
        return $key;

    Thanks for all.

    in reply to: masonry gallery Hentry #885131

    Hi, I do this, but i don´t get any date in the hentry. Do you have an other Idea?
    May you can take a look to my webside. LogIn you will see in the private area.


    * Add your own functions here. You can also copy some of the theme functions into this file.
    * WordPress will use those functions instead of the original functions then.
    add_filter( 'avf_masonry_loop_prepare', 'avf_masonry_loop_prepare_mod_schema', 10, 2 );
    function avf_masonry_loop_prepare_mod_schema( $key, $entries )
        $output = '';
        $separator = ' ';
        $content = get_the_time('c', $entries->ID);
    		$date = get_the_time('F j, Y', $entries->ID);
        $author = ob_get_clean();
        $output .= '<span class="blog-author minor-meta">'.__('by','avia_framework').' ';
        $output .= '<span class="entry-author-link">';
        $output .= '<span class="vcard author"><span class="fn">';
        $output .= $author;
        $output .= '</span></span></span></span>';
    		$output .= '<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="'.esc_html( $content ).'">';
        $output .= '<span itemprop="dateModified" content="'.esc_html( $content ).'">' . esc_html( $date ) . '</span>' . $separator;
        $key['text_before'] .= $output;
        return $key;
    in reply to: masonry gallery Hentry #884555

    Hi Ismael,

    this changes the screen, by mouseover the pictuere. But there is no authordate in the hentry.

    Best regard,

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by alex_0111.
    in reply to: masonry gallery Hentry #883786

    Hi Ismael,

    I wait some days, so google crawl it new.
    In the google search console i can find for hentry only “title” and “author”.

    Look at this screenshots:

    Hentry Screenshot: There is no date!

    Can you help me?


    in reply to: masonry gallery Hentry #867491

    Hi Ismael,
    i try to put you combination Code in the funktion.php. But the date is not work für hentry.

    Pleas take a look in the private content.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: masonry gallery Hentry #863244

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for your answer. Can you send me the code i have to change in the av-helber-masonry.php to get the hentry for update and author?
    I have running the newest Version from Enfold (3.8.4)


    in reply to: masonry gallery Hentry #861836

    Hi Ismael,

    i have also the problem with the hentry (Markup: Ther are noch attributes für “update” and “author”.

    I have copy your code on the answer befor in the function:
    But the i can see only “entry_title” in the code? I have to change “entry_titel” to “entry_update” and “entry_author” ?

    Sorry for my silly question, but i´m not fix in php, so i can only copy an paste?

    Thank for helping:

    This code i copy into thr function.php of my child.

    add_filter(‘avf_markup_helper_attributes’, ‘avf_markup_helper_attributes_mod’, 10 ,2);
    function avf_markup_helper_attributes_mod($attributes, $args) {
    if($args[‘context’] == ‘entry_title’) $attributes[‘itemprop’] = ‘text’;
    return $attributes;

    in reply to: Autoptimize mit Java Skript funktioniert nicht #856424

    Hi Victoria,

    you mean this log. (Private Contend)
    What can I do with this?

    Do you know about WP Rocked? Could be this better for me?


    in reply to: Autoptimize mit Java Skript funktioniert nicht #856139

    Check the console? You mean the new Server log? See in the private contend.
    PHP shoulb be 7.0.

    All the Best.

    in reply to: Autoptimize mit Java Skript funktioniert nicht #856037

    When I turned on, i didn´t get an 500 Server error, only the masonry dosen´t work.
    May, we should deaktivate the WP Super Cache. In the private Contend i will send you the link for the sever log- i hop thats the right fie?

    If you think it´s better i can also by the WP Rocket to make may site faster. What do you think about it?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Autoptimize mit Java Skript funktioniert nicht #855004

    Hi Victoria,

    you will find the access in the Private Contend.

    A Page with page with the masonry you will find also the link there, but its also on the startpage.


    in reply to: Masonry – Sort option #768197

    Hi Victoria,
    did you seen the Private Content? There is the link from the site with the mansonry gallery and a LogIn to my wordpress.

    There is an masonry gallery. It shows first “All” (Alle) an i can choose “CD Kleinserien” and “DVD Kleinserien”. But I want to show first “DVD Kleinserien” and choose the other. Is this possible?

    Can i make a button with:
    Then shoul be my Kontaktformular the Field Subject (or an other field) hab this Text “MY-SPECIAL-TEXT”

    If you want, you can change my Button on this site (its only a Test Site) and write into the funktion.php in my Child-Therme. :-)


    in reply to: Masonry – Sort option #766905

    Hi Victoria,

    look at the infos in the Private Content.

    By the way:
    Its also possible, to send a diffrent Subject in the Contact Formular by click on a Button. (Button is on the same site)
    Its better to use “Enfold – Contakt” oder “Contact Form 7” for this?


    in reply to: Google Maps API Key and 2 or 3 Colums in an Akkordeon #749976

    Thank you!!!

    in reply to: Google Maps API Key and 2 or 3 Colums in an Akkordeon #749836

    One Question again.

    Is it possible, when i click on the map, that is open google maps for driving to me? Like the link in the Private Content.

    in reply to: Google Maps API Key and 2 or 3 Colums in an Akkordeon #749833

    Hi Yigit,

    now I canged again to my API Key. Everything is OK.


    PS: I will try to close this Thread. Otherwise you can close it :-)

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