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  • in reply to: Ugly layout of webpage on tablet and mobile #1459592

    thank you for your reply. I will try that.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Ugly layout of webpage on tablet and mobile #1458072

    Thank you for your reply. Here is the link with some screenshots.
    My concern:
    – very narrow columns
    – some elements completely unreadable – I guess Icon list and Icon circle can’t have longer texts (if the with of columns and sizes of texts adjusted automatically, I’d resign from Icon list/circle, no that important).
    I’d appreciate your help and opinion on why it doesn’t correspond to the size of the screen.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Ugly layout of webpage on tablet and mobile #1457400

    thank you for your answer.
    Could you please have a look at the webpage? I don’t understand why the text is so narrow and always arranged on the middle axis. Is it possible that your default setup doesn’t provide automatic text adjustment to different devices and you have to do everything, text by text yourself?
    My best regards,

    in reply to: Icon grid with photos instead of icons #1438411

    we can close that, thank you.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Icon grid with photos instead of icons #1438364

    Got it! Thank you for your good advice.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Error occurs when importing Freelancer Demo #1437017

    Hi Mike,
    thank you for all support and knowledge. I’ll see into that.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Error occurs when importing Freelancer Demo #1436963

    thank you for your help. I can see it is loaded. With this we are done.
    As it is not as easy with OVH and the skin as I thought, I’d love to ask an advice. For the moment I need a simple webpage to introduce myself. What I need is just some info about me (I hope I can add some text that will unroll or open in another page with a few sentences – in the Freelancer). If in the future I need to add one-two pages to this one-page demo, Could I easily do it or is it better to load another demo with multiple pages from the beginning?
    My webpage will never be complicated – I plan one day to add online payment for the meetings.
    Is there any program/plug-in you could recommend that is compatible with Enfold for installing the calendar to set up appointments with clients?

    Grateful for your support,
    with best regards,


    in reply to: Error occurs when importing Freelancer Demo #1436866

    Thank you. I didn’t know that about OVH – hoped to be one click story…
    Ok, I add data below.
    What IP address of yours is being blocked for installing demos? Maybe I will manage to unblock all of it from OVH site, so that I could choose other demos if I liked.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Error occurs when importing Freelancer Demo #1436803
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