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  • in reply to: swap columns on mobile #735875

    Thanks Nikko, works like a charm! I had forgotten about the flex instruction…. and that’s the way to go!
    Anyway, I’ve assigned a class (flex-container) to the section, but the correct code is without the part before the coma like this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px)  {
    .flex-container .entry-content-wrapper {
        display: flex !important;
        flex-direction: column-reverse;

    Thank you again.

    in reply to: swap columns on mobile #735333

    OK, thanks Nikko, I made a copy of the alzacristalli page deleting the 2nd section and the relative class so you can do your tests.

    in reply to: Another question about 'Read More' #674588

    Ok, I solved the problem with this function:

    function ava_custom_script() {
    	<script type="text/javascript">
    	(function($) {
    		function b() {
    			var video = $('article').hasClass('category-video') || $('article').hasClass('category-video-en');
    			if(!video) return;
    			$('.more-link').each(function() {
    				$(this).text('Watch the video');
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script' );

    Thank you for putting me on the right track!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by alby54.
    in reply to: Another question about 'Read More' #674158

    My videos are on Vimeo and each shortcode is inside a code block in a post which has the category slug ‘video’. Then I have a gallery/video page which contains the avia article module filtered by the category video so it shows the last 3 article by that category. At the moment there’s no class associated to the videos, but if needed I can add it in the code block. The function should change the text “read more” of the button to ‘watch the video’ only for those articles belonging to the video cat. Then, since the website will be in 3 languages, I guess the easiest way will be to add the line ‘watch the video’ in a .pot file (if it doesn’t exist already) and have it translated accordingly.

    I tried the above function changing ‘category-video’ to ‘video’ (the cat slug) but nothing happens.
    I’m using a child theme of the Gym Demo. Thank you.

    in reply to: Problem with Gym demo Masongallery #658931

    OK Ismael, I’ve finally sorted it out. I checked my it_IT.po file and all the strings you referred to where translated correctly, however I could not see the list 1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns ….and so on in the masonry settings. They where actually there only in English but not in Italian. I then generated a new mo file and uploaded it on the server and everything was OK. Evidently, something went wrong while uploading Enfold via FTP and those lines where missing causing the problem. Thanks a lot for your help.

    in reply to: Problem with Gym demo Masongallery #657849

    Yes, it’s one of the first thing I tried and it seemed logical but didn’t work; the layout still didn’t stretch to full size.

    in reply to: Problem with Gym demo Masongallery #656246

    Sorry Ismael but it is ininfluent plus that’s the exact way your demo is. The demo, btw, is not set in columns, it has 6 images to be displayed per page and the columns field is set as ‘Automatic, based on screen width’, with pagination ‘No option to view additional images’. What I think could be the problem is that the first time I load the demo it’s the demo itself that gets priority over the way WordPress loads images, but as soon as I add or substitute one of the images then it’s WP that handles the images as Andy pointed out, cropping them by default and breaking the masonry initial layout. Guess I will give it a shot with a plugin or worse come to worse I’ll discard the demo and build a child layout myself from default Enfold as I normally do.

    in reply to: Problem with Gym demo Masongallery #654844

    OK, I erased everything, started a brand new installation of wordpress, activated Enfold and loaded the Gym demo directly without a child theme. I then re-imported one of the pictures of the ‘About’ Masongallery and again the gallery is not stretched full screen. It’s definitely a demo problem since demos are meant to provide a starting layout to be filled with own text, images and style and not break after replacing an image (the same image). I guess I will try using the plugin you suggested or just play with classes and work on the Masonry layout till I’ll get it the way it’s supposed to be, but please be aware that it shouldn’t be like that, at least, not in a demo that represents Enfold’s qualities.

    in reply to: Problem with Gym demo Masongallery #654477

    Actually, as you can see in these 2 snapshots, the grid of your demo out of the box fills the whole screen while if I reload an image even one of the demo images the grid is not full screen anymore. 1. how it should be and 2. how it is

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by alby54.
    in reply to: Contact form email behavior #651409

    Yes as I posted, with CF7 it won’t happen. Guess my agent has to change his mailer ^__^. Thanks for your time Vinay, best regards

    in reply to: Contact form email behavior #650737

    OK, everything is in private msg. Thanks

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by alby54.
    in reply to: Contact form email behavior #650492

    I understand your point Vinay, but unfortunately the client I’m referring to is the web agency that commissioned the job and they want to make sure that the contact email will get to the final customer as standard as possible on every device and mailer. All I can say is that in other projects it didn’t happen with Enfold theme versions prior than 3.5.2 and obviously neither with Contact Form 7.

    in reply to: Filter category from breadcrumbs #649683

    Hi Josue, no I don’t…I use a regular page.

    in reply to: Layerslider in header #639296

    Thank you, I just used the above function and it worked like a charm! Also with ‘wp-mobile-detect’ plugin I was able to edit the widget assigning different sliders for iPad and mobile,,,,,Great!!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by alby54.
    in reply to: Layerslider in header #638683

    Wait… fault. I just figured out that I can’t insert the slider via shortcode in the widget with the Enfold version of the plugin so I purchased the full version. Now I see the slider in my homepage but I don’t know how to insert a different slider for the other pages ’cause the enfold_customization_header_widget_area function, the way it is, allows me to set only one custom widget. Should I try to insert a conditional statement in the function? Something like:

    add_action( 'ava_main_header', 'enfold_customization_header_widget_area' );
    function enfold_customization_header_widget_area() {
    	 if ( is_page( 'home' )) {
    	dynamic_sidebar( 'header' );
    else {
    	dynamic_sidebar( 'whatever' );

    Thank you for your support

    in reply to: Layerslider in header #638605

    OK, I’ve tried what you suggested and I have 2 questions. Without extra plugin I cannot put shortcodes in a widget (I’ve tried 3 plugins : Shortcode widget to insert shortcodesdirectly in the widget area, and php text widget,php code widget to insert the slider by php code……none of them worked). Since all I get in the header area is the old header and the shotcode visible as text and not the slider…. how do I insert a layerslider in the Text widget? Second question…..what should I do with the old header setting? Should I insert a blank gif as a logo…..or everything gets bypassed by the header in widget function? (I don’t think so because I can still see it)

    in reply to: Layerslider in header #638580

    Thank you I’ll give it a try…..sorry for the bumb. Can I add more than one widget area? I have one header for the home page and at least another one for regular pages.

    in reply to: Layerslider in header #638364

    In a couple of days I have to show the correct layout to my client…….any clue?

    in reply to: Layerslider in header #637958

    Actually what I did so far is setting a normal header (links in private content since it’s not my own website) and as you can see I’m having troubles narrowing the viewport that’s why I’m thinking about putting everything in a slider.

    in reply to: Permalink problem after update #603158

    Thank you I’ve seen my mistake…. it’s because previously I created a Mason Gallery with images that had custom-links to the various sub-pages and I’ve forgot that even images have a permalink. Thanks for your help Yigit.

    in reply to: Gallery img description #596268

    I switched to the Masonry that has title and description. The only problem with this type of gallery is that it is made out of individual divs so I cannot style it as I would like in a list or in a group of anchors inside one div (like the regular Enfold Gallery).
    For instance, :first-child or :last-child do not work with divs so I can’t handle borders or any other style that I don’t want to be all over the gallery.

    in reply to: Content links question #594544

    Thanks Basilis, I’ll definitely check that out.

    in reply to: Header transparency problem #567350

    Thank you, I’ll stick around ^__^

    in reply to: Header transparency problem #566300

    I’ve done the update. Thank you, now it’s working correctly on desktop with the page set to transparent header. I’m wondering if for mobile I’ll be able to override the header transparency and have it in position fixed with a solid background. So far in the mobile media

     #header_main {
    	  background-color: rgba(255, 253, 208, 1)!important;
              position: fixed;
    	  top: 0;
    	  left: 0;
    	  z-index: 9999;

    hasn’t done the job.

    in reply to: Header transparency problem #566066

    Thanks (for the time being I’ve left it set to sticky)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by alby54.
    in reply to: Header transparency problem #565895

    Could it be related to wp 4.4 ?

    in reply to: Header transparency problem #565709

    That’s the first thing I did but still if I switch from sticky to non-sticky header the whole header gets a white background.

    in reply to: Layerslider not showing on iPad #560254

    I’m sorry, I just found what the problem was…… I was using a plugin to filter the slider based on device and I forgot to enter the iPad shortcode. Everything is fine now ^___^

    in reply to: Avia conditionasl menu #558697

    If Avia conditionals is activated via functions.php, all pages, custom links and category pages can be filtered so that only certain user roles can view them in the menu. In my case, I’ve created custom roles which are perfectly recognised as well as the wordpress default user roles because they appear in a cvs export file, they appear in all the role related plugins like for instance ‘User Specific Content’ or ‘User Control’ but not in the dropdown menu options of Avia conditionals that keep only showing ‘subscriber, collaborator, author, editor and admin’. Is there some code that I can add to my functions.php so that Avia Conditionals can see the extra custom roles like most other themes do? Thanks

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by alby54.
    in reply to: Problem with WPML and Enfold #556611

    Never mind, this morning WPML released an update that fixed my problem.

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