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  • in reply to: Product Slider Issue #533835


    As per my last message we have disabled all the plugins, we then tested it and got the same result.

    With all the plugins disabled the slider still didn’t work

    We also rebuilt the database, also re-installed Enfold and still got the same result.

    in reply to: Product Slider Issue #533225

    Hi we have done this already. the only plugin that was active was woocommerce.

    We gave you account access to have a look, didn’t you login and see

    in reply to: Product Slider Issue #532622


    in reply to: Product Slider Issue #531940

    we are using enfold 3.4.1

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by akaracing.
    in reply to: Banner Image on Sub Categories WooCommerce #526803

    Hi thanks for the link

    The image for the category can not be resized as there is no option in the settings -> media.

    We have found an alternative solution, if you set the image size to 450×150 it will justify it left and use the correct size of 450px



    in reply to: Banner Image on Sub Categories WooCommerce #526452


    There is no option under setting media for entry_with_sidebar

    also you don’t indicate what the plugin is, i guess it’s some sort of thumbnail regenerator

    this is proving to be very problematic and needs a resolution asap


    in reply to: Banner Image on Sub Categories WooCommerce #525685


    Thanks for the reply, it is already down to 80% / 20%.

    I don’t really want to increase the sidebar as it would need to got to 70% / 30%.

    Also the Image is cropped at it’s current size 845×150.

    Question is how do i make it use the original image of 918×150

    I have did change the css to increase the width of the image, which works, but the image quality is rubbish as it’s stretched from 845 to 918.
    this is what i used img { width:918px!important; height:150px!important;}


    in reply to: Enfold 3.1.5 Release Notes #445961

    Hi Yigit

    Thanks for your replay and release notes. After a lot of search on the website, I found the last update i did over wrote my file which had all the margins and padding remove for tables, tabs & dropdown boxes. I found a backup copy and restore things back to normal, i think i will install the child theme to stop this from happening again.

    below is the contents of the custom.css file, i know alot of this can now be changed in the new version of the theme.

    /*#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-facebook a{ color: #fff; background-color: #3B5998; text-decoration: none; }*/
    /*#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-twitter a{ color: #fff; background-color: #4099ff; text-decoration: none; }*/
    /*#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-mail a{ color: #fff; background-color: #ffcc00; text-decoration: none; }*/
    /*#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-youtube a{ color: #fff; background-color: #c4302b; text-decoration: none; }*/
    /*#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-pinterest a{ color: #fff; background-color: #C92228; text-decoration: none; }*/
    #top #wrap_all .social_bookmarks li:hover a{ background-color: transparent; color: #fff; }
    .social_bookmarks li { margin-right: 5px; }
    /* Social Icon spacing */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 640px)
    .responsive .logo a, .responsive .logo img
    { width:100%; height: auto !important; float:left; margin:0; padding:0; top:0; }
    #advanced_menu_toggle { top: 52px; }
    .responsive #header .social_bookmarks { top: 55%; margin:0; padding:0; left: -15%; }
    .responsive.html_header_top #header_main .social_bookmarks { display: block; top: 55%; margin:0; padding:0; left: -15%; }

    .avia-team-member { margin:5px; }
    .content, .sidebar { padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 0px; }
    /* this is the spacing on the main page */
    .inner_sidebar { margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 0px; padding:0px; }
    .togglecontainer { margin: 0px 0px; padding: 0px; }
    /* this is the Accordion box on the page */
    .js_active .toggle_content { padding: 3px; margin: 0px; border-color: #c0c0c0; } /* corsa rossa */
    /* this is for the Accordion content details */
    .js_active .toggler { border-color: #c0c0c0; background-color: #222222} /* corsa rossa */
    /* this is the Accordion title border area */
    .tabcontainer { margin:0px 0px; }
    /* this is for the content of the Tab box */
    .js_active .tab_content { padding: 5px; margin: 0px; }
    /* this is the content of the Tab box expanded */
    .js_active .top_tab .tab { border-color: #d20000; } /* corsa rossa */
    .js_active .active_tab_content { border-color: #d20000; } /* corsa rossa */
    /* this is for the Tab titles and expanded tabs borders */
    .av-special-heading { margin-top: 0px; }
    /* this is for the Special Heading text */
    .special-heading-inner-border { border-top-width: 2px; border-top-style: none; }
    /* this is for the Special Heading line style */
    .hr { border: none; margin: 0px 0 !important; height: 15px; clear: both; }, .hr-inner-style { border-color: #ffffff!important; }
    /* this is for the Horizontal Rule */
    .avia_textblock { padding: 5px 0px 0px 0px; margin: 0px; }
    table { margin: 0px; }
    th { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border: none; }
    td { padding: 5px; margin: 0px; border: none; }
    tr th:first-child, tr td:first-child { border-left-style: none; margin: 0px; }
    tr:first-child th, tr:first-child td { border-top-style: none; margin: 0px; }

    .single-post .post-entry .big-preview { display:none !important; }
    /* This stops the preview image being displayed in the post */
    Desktop Styles
    ================================================== */
    /* Note: Add new css to the media query below that you want to only effect the desktop view of your site */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    /* Add your Desktop Styles here */

    Mobile Styles
    ================================================== */
    /* Note: Add new css to the media query below that you want to only effect the Mobile and Tablet Portrait view */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    /* Add your Mobile Styles here */

    I put some rem statements in to remind me of what it changed lol

    maybe useful content for other users.

    thanks again for you reply


    in reply to: Using iframe=true to open a php or html file #423655


    there seems to be some sort of aspect ratio set on the iframe windows, the height parameter doesn’t but the width parameter does work and it also affect the height, so if width is 800, height becomes 450 or so, set width to 950, height becomes 510.

    this is the css = .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content { max-width: 950px; }
    not sure how to fix this???


    in reply to: Using iframe=true to open a php or html file #423607

    Hi Rikard

    I have tried resizing the iframe with no joy, i have tried all the css mfp-XXXXXXXX variables, but for some reason it will make it wider, but not longer

    any ideas

    if you wan to see it in action check and look for the yellow text that says F1 Drivers Standing 2015 or in the yellow section BTCC Live timing.



    in reply to: Using iframe=true to open a php or html file #423492


    Just an update:

    I created a blank page, then loaded the php code using the code block, then created a anchor link to the page with ?iframe=true, which seemed to work. not sure if that’s the best way to do it.

    if you have more info on it please let me know
    site is


    in reply to: Add Social Share Icons At-Will #406166

    sorry functions.php file

    in reply to: Add Social Share Icons At-Will #406165

    put this inside the function.php file. i have just done it and works well, the share icon tool box will appear at the bottom of the page.

    add_action(‘ava_after_content’, ‘avia_add_social_toolbar’, 10, 2);
    function avia_add_social_toolbar($id = “”, $context = “”)
    if($context == “page” || $context == “single-portfolio”)

    add_filter(‘avf_template_builder_content’, ‘avia_add_social_toolbar_template_builder’, 10, 1);
    function avia_add_social_toolbar_template_builder($content = “”)
    $content .= avia_social_share_links(array(), false);
    $content .= ‘<div style=”height:1px; margin-top:50px;” class=”hr”></div>’;
    return $content;


    in reply to: Logo Area & Parallax image #380826


    i have found it, the setting is done on the page not the theme. this has now worked

    thank you for you patience and help on this matter

    kind regards


    in reply to: Logo Area & Parallax image #380821


    thanks for your reply. there is no option to set it to No Transparency.

    I deleted the page and reset all the enfold parameters, then created a new page, with logo at the top of the page, then a colour section with an image, the image was set to parallax and i still get the same result, the image starts at the top of the screen and ignores the logo space, i also tried setting the image as just scroll and it still does the same thing.

    surly the logo area is seperate to the main content area???



    in reply to: Logo Area & Parallax image #380323


    i have had to put a blank panel with white space in it, to move it down 80px so it pushes the parallax image down, so the logo sits in free space, surly there is an easier way. as now it looks odd on mobiles.



    in reply to: Logo Area & Parallax image #380308


    there is no transparent header set it’s all default



    in reply to: Logo Area & Parallax image #379763
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Enfold & NexGen Pro Gallery #336264


    This FAQ was write by DUDE over a year ago
    How to use NextGen Gallery with Enfold and other Kriesi themes

    Surly someone must have re-tested nextgen with your enfold theme, also i can’t believe that you won’t support one of the worlds leading gallery plugins.????


    in reply to: Enfold & NexGen Pro Gallery #336031


    Tried that and still does’nt work, also put in the code that DUDE recommended in his FAQ about nextgen


    in reply to: Social Media Icons and scroll top of page arrow #262815
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Social Media Icons and scroll top of page arrow #261504
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Social Media Icons and scroll top of page arrow #259533


    Thanks for the super fast reply. i have put the ccs recommendation in and it works. i have this in my custom css file do i need to delete it as i put it in ther to adjust the icons and menu buttom to drop below the logo as they appeared over the logo.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 640px)
    .responsive .logo a, .responsive .logo img { width:100%; height: auto !important; float:left; margin:0; padding:0; top:0; }
    #advanced_menu_toggle { top: 52px; }
    .responsive #header .social_bookmarks { top: 55%; margin:0; padding:0; left: -15%; }

    thanks again for you help

    in reply to: Social Media Icons and scroll top of page arrow #259307
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    in reply to: Social Media Icons and scroll top of page arrow #257800

    only this for icons


    #top .social_bookmarks_twitter:hover a
    { color: #4099ff; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: none; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_twitter a { color: #fff; background-color: #4099ff; text-decoration: none; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_facebook:hover a
    { color: #3B5998; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: none; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_facebook a { color: #fff; background-color: #3B5998; text-decoration: none; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_youtube:hover a
    {color: #c4302b; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: none; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_youtube a { color: #fff; background-color: #c4302b; text-decoration: none; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_mail:hover a
    { color: #ffcc00; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: none; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_mail a { color: #fff; background-color: #ffcc00; text-decoration: none; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_pinterest:hover a
    { color: #C92228; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: none; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_pinterest a { color: #fff; background-color: #C92228; text-decoration: none; }

    .social_bookmarks li { margin-right: 5px; }
    /* Social Icon spacing */

    in reply to: Social Media Icons and scroll top of page arrow #257799


    Thanks for your reply

    I don’t have that line in my Quick CSS or Custom CSS.???
    #top #wrap_all .social_bookmarks, #top #wrap_all .social_bookmarks a, #top #wrap_all .social_bookmarks li {
    background: transparent;

    I added the semi colon … my bad


    in reply to: Social Media Icons and scroll top of page arrow #257278

    Also please check on iphone the icons do not appear on dolphin or safari. this was all working just find before the upgrade to 3.9



    in reply to: Social Media Icons and scroll top of page arrow #257277


    Thanks for your replay
    I operate my browsers with no cache, but i did clean them out. and checked it again on 4 different PC’s/laptop with IE, Safari, FF & crome, the problem is still there, you picture shows it clearly, the icons are white with black background. please re-read my post and also look at the custom.css on the color change of the icon.

    the new upgrade has tampered with the icon colors etc when the implimentation of icons in the post was done i guess????!!!!!!!

    please review

    kind regards

    in reply to: Social Media Icons and scroll top of page arrow #256680
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Dynamic toggle height #252649


    I have done that and that works, it’s the same as if i set the iframe height. I surprised that you can’t see when the problem is, maybe you can hand it over to someone who knows that area of code. This is quite a prblems as there will be mainy tables on the site and ive have to set the iframe height for each one of them.

    kind regards


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