One last question.
After i change this, is it still possible to use the layerslider snippet in the template builder in pages?
Hi Peter,
I’m using a child theme, so i need to deactivate the Child theme instead of Enfold i guess?
Hi Peter,
Yes i’m sure :-)
I tried to debug the given error, and it looks like enfold is missing the $meta data used in the av_layerslider shortcode to determine how to generate the needed html code for displaying the slider. As mentioned in my first post, after adding/removing a layerslider shortcode in the text editor is works. Because of the _avia_builder_shortcode_tree being generated in de database.
An alternative would be to directly use native LayerSlider code, but the shortcode [layerslider] or <?php layerslider(‘id’) ?> do not work.