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  • in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #195117

    Hi Devin,
    thanks for the tip. I am afraid the original database is considerably different from the current one, since the site has changed, so I don’t want to make an even bigger mess.

    Is there a way to maybe delete the structure related to the other languages created by WPML, so that if the problem is that of the change in domain as you suggested, I can recreate brand new languages structures from scratch on the new domain? Would that maybe solve the problem? If so, could you tell me exactly which steps to perform, if ti’s not too technical (I am not a developer so techy things are hard for me to understand).

    Thank you so much!


    in reply to: Site suddenly screwed up in Safari? #194384

    Problem seems to be solved…I have no idea why that happened, on my iMac, iPad, Mac Book Air. couldn’t see it anywhere, now they are all fine… Mistery of internet.


    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #192523

    Hi Devin, thank you for the explanation but I don’t understand what that means and most importantly is there a way to fix the issue? If so what should I precisely do?

    Thanks for your help.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by abortolotti.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #191821

    I actually used a plugin called ManageWP, I don’t know if you are familiar with that.
    Basically it clones the entire website then duplicates it as is on a new, clean WP install in the client server. What I see is that the original site I made doesn’t show the issue, where the issue appears on the new site. The server is the same, for I was working directly on the client server, made the first site, then the client changed her mind and wanted the site to be on a different domain. So I used ManageWP, cloned site A and duplicated it on site B.



    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #191781

    Is there maybe a way to delete completely the child themes (the pages of the site in other languages) and start it all over again?
    I have a feeling the problem occurred after I cloned the site and moved it to from my domain to my client’s domain…

    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #190986

    Nothing, it doesn’t work… :(

    You can check by yourself. I’ve done as you said, yet it’s not working. What else could I try?

    I cannot proceed with the site in other languages until I sort this out…


    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #190846
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    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #190741

    Hey there,
    any update on the issue I reported?
    Meanwhile I simply removed the German and French languages, but you will still see the incorrect colors of the styling if you click on the spanish or Italian flag to view how the hompeage looks different, when it shouldn’t.

    Any help is much appreciated, thanks.


    in reply to: Enfold + WPML: broken links after installation #187705

    Thank You Peter!!!!
    Just made it!


    in reply to: Enfold + WPML: broken links after installation #187231

    Awesome, Peter, You are a star!
    Would you suggest a WP plugin that would do a back up of the entire site, so I can install it right away, make a back up in case something happens later on?
    I am so glad you made it and want to make sure the site won’t have this kind of porblem again.


    in reply to: Enfold + WPML: broken links after installation #186886

    Meanwhile I tried deleting and rewriting the .htacces file and no results.

    However, while before installing WPML I used to have a custom permalink structure which was /%postname%/ so every page url was clearly displayed in the browser (eg:, now I notice that the permalink structure in the settings panel is set to ‘Post name’ rather than the original ‘Custom structure’ and if I want to have the custom structure, when I tick the box and hit save it goes back to ‘Post name’ rather than ‘Custom structure’. And the site doesn’t work.

    Then I tried rewriting the .htaccess file and set the permalink structure to ‘Default’ and it gets it after i hit save. This way, the site is back!
    But the url structure is now rather than
    And if I hit the only page I created in a different language from the italian menu I get a 404 error page with the default Bluehost 404 page instead of the default 404 Enfold page which I used to get before.

    Am I on the right road to solving the issue? If so, how do I get back the original nice urls to display correctly? Do I need to use the WPML addon called ‘Sticky Links’ to save links from breaking again, then I can get the nice url back as they were before?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by abortolotti.
    in reply to: Enfold + WPML: broken links after installation #186845
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    in reply to: Enfold + WPML: broken links after installation #186838

    Hey Dude!

    Thanks for the heads up and sorry for point 1. I didn’t mean to do that at all so I apologize for causing trouble if any.

    As for point 2, I did as you say but notice that it keeps the ‘post name’ ticked by default on the permalink settings structure even if mine was the custom one. I click on custom, then hit save and it keeps being on the post name option instead.

    I have no idea how to work on a htaccess file and what to do. Is that hard?

    Also, do you know if there is a way to maybe copy the pages of my original site onto another WP install on another site, so I can let’s say clone the pages that in the back end are ok, then wipe out the entire site and reinstall everything, without WPML then copy the pages again?

    Thanks. I am trying to find a way out without being a techy

    in reply to: How to WPML? #186326

    Thanks Yigit!

    in reply to: Video disappears in LayerSlider #171118

    Hi Ismael,

    the setting was already turned on before. It doesn’t work… I have no clue why this seems to work in the backend yet it disappears in the front end.

    What do you see?

    In every computer I have, with every browser the behavior is always the same: page loads…video appears and disappears immediately.

    As I said I deactivated all plugins, tested it and nothing changed. What could it be?


    in reply to: Video disappears in LayerSlider #169831

    Hey Ismael,

    I originally added the iframe code generated by Vimeo with the autoplay feature within the Div/Video in a distinct layer, as you said, but I got the problem I mentioned:

    <iframe src=”//″ width=”600″ height=”338″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

    It is fundamental that the video plays automatically upon loading the page and slider, since it’s a Landing Page for a sale and prosepcts must not click on the video to play. It must start automatically. I don’t know why it disappears instead. I tried deactivating all plugins, yet no changes.

    Any clue?

    Thanks a lot!


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by abortolotti.
    in reply to: W3 Total Cache breaks Lightbox #134748

    great, now it works for me as well, finally!



    in reply to: W3 Total Cache breaks Lightbox #134745

    I followed your suggestions, Devin and deactivated all plugins but W3TC. Yet it seems it’s exactly W3TC that breaks lightbox, since they don’t work even with only this plugin enabled. When I deactivate W3TC, the lightbox get back in perfect functionality.

    I then went back to deactivating W3TC and reactivating all the other plugins…at least the site works…


    in reply to: W3 Total Cache breaks Lightbox #134743

    Hi Devin,

    thanks for the tip, I’ll try that out.

    As for W3TC, Nick installed it for me and I haven’t done any configuration, for I don’t know how to use that. Could you point me to the right direction? I mean how does a non techy knows or learns how to configure something like W3TC correctly?

    Thanks for the advice.


    in reply to: Bloposts don't show headers correctly anymore #130595

    Hi again Nick,

    I downloaded a plugin called XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress 3.2.9 and I was able to create and submit the sitemap to Google.



    in reply to: Bloposts don't show headers correctly anymore #130594

    Thanks Nick,

    I added my site to Webmaster tools and verified it.

    For some reason I can’t understand, I am not able to generate the sitemap. When I click on Yoast within the site and click on “You can find your XML Sitemap here: XML Sitemap”, it reports me a 404 – Page Not Found error message.

    The Url Yoast generates for the sitemap is the following:

    when I add the /sitemap_index.xml to Webmaster tool and click on “test” Google returns the same 404 Error.

    Any idea on how to solve this?



    in reply to: lightbox not working anymore #129782

    I deactivated all the plugins and now the lightbox works again. So I’ll have to check which plugin causes the issue.

    As for the strange var you saw on the png.file, now that I deactivated every plugin I ran a ‘broken links checker’ tool with a site called Attracta and it reported that my site has some staggering 47 broken links. The strange thing is that it seems like every page has a variable appended to the link and strangely every page has the name of the site repeated at the end of the link (Vacationrentalsecrets).

    Do you have any clue what might cause this?

    Here is the list of the errors reported (maybe is similar to the var appended to the png. file?) – every page has the weird /?s= variable to which seems to correspond the name of the site “Vacationrentalsecrets” on each error page:

    Error page URL Page linking to error page

    /Vacationrentalsecrets /?s=

    /about/Vacationrentalsecrets /about/?s=

    /what-we-do/Vacationrentalsecrets /what-we-do/?s=

    /what-we-do/online-training/Vacationrentalsecrets /what-we-do/online-training/?s=

    /what-we-do/seminars-workshops/Vacationrentalsecrets /what-we-do/seminars-workshops/?s=

    /what-we-do/seminars-workshops/video-recordings/Vacationrentalsecrets /what-we-do/seminars-workshops/video-recordings/?s=

    /what-we-do/one-to-one-consulting/Vacationrentalsecrets /what-we-do/one-to-one-consulting/?s=

    /what-we-do/showcase-your-home/Vacationrentalsecrets /what-we-do/showcase-your-home/?s=

    /blog/Vacationrentalsecrets /blog/?s=

    /faq/Vacationrentalsecrets /faq/?s=

    /contact/Vacationrentalsecrets /contact/?s=

    /what-we-do/seminars-workshops/social-media-seminar/Vacationrentalsecrets /what-we-do/seminars-workshops/social-media-seminar/?s=

    /what-we-do/showcase-your-home/increase-your-visibility/Vacationrentalsecrets /what-we-do/showcase-your-home/increase-your-visibility/?s=

    /what-we-do/showcase-your-home/publish-your-own-book/Vacationrentalsecrets /what-we-do/showcase-your-home/publish-your-own-book/?s=

    /tripadvisor-review/Vacationrentalsecrets /tripadvisor-review/?s=

    /author/the-team/Vacationrentalsecrets /author/the-team/?s=

    /category/general/Vacationrentalsecrets /category/general/?s=

    /category/marketing-tools/Vacationrentalsecrets /category/marketing-tools/?s=

    /category/strategy/Vacationrentalsecrets /category/strategy/?s=

    /vacation-rental-marketing-how-to-automate-social-media-marketing/Vacationrentalsecrets /vacation-rental-marketing-how-to-automate-social-media-marketing/?s=

    /author/francesca/Vacationrentalsecrets /author/francesca/?s=

    /category/social-media-for-holiday-rentals/Vacationrentalsecrets /category/social-media-for-holiday-rentals/?s=

    /seo-basics/Vacationrentalsecrets /seo-basics/?s=

    /author/antonio/Vacationrentalsecrets /author/antonio/?s=

    /category/videos/Vacationrentalsecrets /category/videos/?s=

    /category/website-traffic/Vacationrentalsecrets /category/website-traffic/?s=

    /vacation-rental-marketing-5-reasons-you-shouldnt-ignore-social-media/Vacationrentalsecrets /vacation-rental-marketing-5-reasons-you-shouldnt-ignore-social-media/?s=

    /blog/page/2/Vacationrentalsecrets /blog/page/2/?s=

    /blog/page/3/Vacationrentalsecrets /blog/page/3/?s=

    /how-to-install-offerchat-awesome-free-live-chat-tool/Vacationrentalsecrets /how-to-install-offerchat-awesome-free-live-chat-tool/?s=

    /social-media-seminar-july-4th-2013-london/Vacationrentalsecrets /social-media-seminar-july-4th-2013-london/?s=

    /a-photo-book-of-your-home/Vacationrentalsecrets /a-photo-book-of-your-home/?s=

    /secret-tips-adding-a-free-live-chat-to-your-website/Vacationrentalsecrets /secret-tips-adding-a-free-live-chat-to-your-website/?s=

    /live-chat/Vacationrentalsecrets /live-chat/?s=

    /seminar-optimizing-your-advert-online/Vacationrentalsecrets /seminar-optimizing-your-advert-online/?s=

    /category/live-events/Vacationrentalsecrets /category/live-events/?s=

    /category/top-tips/Vacationrentalsecrets /category/top-tips/?s=

    /tag/email-campaigns/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/email-campaigns/?s=

    /tag/holiday-homes/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/holiday-homes/?s=

    /tag/home-business/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/home-business/?s=

    /tag/media-platforms/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/media-platforms/?s=

    /tag/media-presence/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/media-presence/?s=

    /tag/optimization/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/optimization/?s=

    /tag/review/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/review/?s=

    /tag/search-engines/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/search-engines/?s=

    /tag/seo/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/seo/?s=

    /tag/tripadvisor/Vacationrentalsecrets /tag/tripadvisor/?s=

    in reply to: Vertical bars appearing in map #133980

    HI again,

    I have a good update. After a bit of work I was able to get the map back and it now shows correctly. Seems like Google rolled out a new map with different colors? Anyway it shows up.

    For some reason, after deactivating all the plugins, all the map data within the map widget were erased too, so I had to recreate the widget and the latitude and longitude.

    in reply to: Vertical bars appearing in map #133979

    Hi Devin,

    I regret to say that there is no xmlns:fb line inside my header.php file… I checked everywhere and there is none.

    Also, I deactivated all the plugins and the maps disappear. I went to check in the backend and saw that it fails to pick up the correct map widget in the widget area, where it says “displayed everywhere” within the drop down menu. When I scroll it I can see the sidebar widget I called “map”, I can select it, but when I hit save the page returns me always the “dispalyed everywhere” instead of “map” and I can’t see any map.

    I recall this was an issue happening already before in a previous post at a few other users including me and if I am not wrong, one of you told me to insert some custom css in the quick css panel, which I did, and solved the problem. The custom css is probably still there, within the quick css panel, yet the map is no longer there.

    Unfortunately now, I have so many different lines of code you gave me inside the quick css that I have no idea which one regulates what…

    What should I do?



    PS: Also, when deactivating the plugins I saw there is a drop-in which I have no idea what that is and it cannot be deactivated? Is that part of Enfold installation?

    Here is what it says on the plugin page:

    Drop-ins are advanced plugins in the wp-content directory that replace WordPress functionality when present.

    Plugin Description

    install.php Custom install script.

    in reply to: lightbox not working anymore #129781

    That is very strange, Peter.

    When I check the images url I see they are correct, ending with .png without the php var. So I don’t know where to find the var that causes the lightbox not to work.

    How can I find out what causes the issue?



    in reply to: Bloposts don't show headers correctly anymore #130592

    Hi Peter,

    no I haven’t. How do you do that? HOw do you generate the sitemap xml file and submit it to google?

    Thank you!


    in reply to: lightbox not working anymore #129779

    Hi, I did that too and saw no results at all.

    My lightboxes galleries don’t work anymore anywhere.

    Just have a look at the homepage as an example (you need to scroll down until you see the ‘showcase your home’ section):


    in reply to: Bloposts don't show headers correctly anymore #130590

    Hi Nick,

    I just saw your reply and placed your CSS in the quick CSS, thanks! As soon as I am adding a new blogpost, I will write back here in case the issue is coming up again.

    Long ago I turned to Elance to find reputable freelance developers, but despite the awesome reviews some of the top ones had and the super money they charged, I got burned more than once, hence I am bit frustrated and don’t have that much time anymore to spend in looking for a reliable developer. So I am forced to do everything myself (which I don’t love because I’d rather spend time doing other things) and I am not tech savvy, so you can kind of imagine how I usually feel everytime I have to put my hands on the site.

    You did a great job when you worked around a couple of issues on my site, however your fix were all gone once the new update of Enfold was released. So I was back to the beginning.

    Also, you told me you noticed that my site is not indexed at all, so whatever appealing the site is, it’s kind of useless if nobody finds it! And I am running around in circles to try and understand how to rank it… working with Yoast and SeoPressor plugins, they seemed to give me great feedback, yet I can’t find my blogposts or pages anywhere in Google… :-(


    in reply to: Bloposts don't show headers correctly anymore #130588

    The code doesn’t seem to work either, Devin…

    I may have to either give up or look for someone that can check whether my site has some cracks or not. But the thing is I don’t know anyone reliable who can take a look at the site and diagnose the problem…

    Thanks anyway.


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