Forum Replies Created
Hey. Excuse me.
I can’t follow your hints for that. I don’t understand how can i use it.
Please describe: How can i set a topical heading for every topic column in the mega menu with focus on this topic thread with the clickable Ham-Menu?
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
August 10, 2017 at 1:34 pm in reply to: Display Topics – Header – Social Icons, Search Icon – Ham Menu #836965PS: I have tried the task with the menu. I don’t understand it. I have not empty sub menus. How can i define a heading for every row?
August 10, 2017 at 12:13 pm in reply to: Display Topics – Header – Social Icons, Search Icon – Ham Menu #836928Dear Victoria,
now, it’s complete corrupt. With and without your assumtion, please take a look on the page in mobile view (make the screen smaller)
Please modify the code, that it’s looking
August 9, 2017 at 10:12 am in reply to: Display Topics – Header – Social Icons, Search Icon – Ham Menu #836261Hello Ismael,
i have changed some options and than i chose the old options.
Nothing is changed. Please try to solve this.
The Ham-Menu problem from others (topic/mobile-menu-not-working-13/) and the overlapping stuff appear also on many pages of my clients. The search symbol cuts the logo, as example, some clients pages.Please check this urgent.
I have only today the Ham-Option turned On “open with click)Best
I assume that kriesi supplies clean code. I do not use child themes, nor will I change any codes manually at a few tens of clients.
Now, it’s a div inside p-tag which is forbidden for my understanding, what the interpreter say
the post is actual since 2016, I see the same as you, Guenni007
The paragraph is not created by me.
It comes from an element like hr-line or something else.
If you compare source code and dev tool, than you see what is happen and what the W3C validator say.July 31, 2017 at 5:14 pm in reply to: Display Topics – Header – Social Icons, Search Icon – Ham Menu #832264This reply has been marked as private.Dear Support,
please validate this mentioned topic with the mentioned p-tag.
</div></section></div><div style=’height:50px’ class=’hr hr-invisible avia-builder-el-2 el_after_av_one_full avia-builder-el-last ‘><span class=’hr-inner ‘ ><span class=’hr-inner-style’></span></span></div></p>
Some plugins like tooltip plugins and some another repair misspelling, wrong encapsulated or unclosed tags or don’t work correct, if something is wrong. I have massive problems with such two plugins and enfold. If i use another themes, this error is not there.
This may resulting in following stuff like corrupt footers.
Please fix it, what is mentioned in many threads here and what the w3c validation check is telling to us.“Error: No p element in scope but a p end tag seen.”
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
Dear Support,
i have the same error on three enfold installations. I can’t figure out, what is happen. If i choose “expand on click”, the click don’t work.
Please fix it soon. Mobile visitors can’t click the menu.Best
Hey. it’s solved. Thanks
Hi Shannon,
thanks, this works great. Thank you for the fast and clean reply.
I think the whole tab section and color section needs a revision, right? I’m not the only one who has problems with it.
Here are some issues in this forum. It would be nice that enfold do not temp stuff with the background, is it solve in the next update or not.
Tab and colour section has everytime problems in some configurations.I buy for me and my clients your enfold theme or let my clients buy this theme. It’s in the past my favourite Theme and i recommend this. But since week, i’m unsure for the next time
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
Please revised it and make a update for all users. Do you want enter on 14 clients accounts? I can’t understand this “manual” workaoraund fixing method not. It’s a endless story for the support.
YOu can upload multiple images to imgur, they will have one link, not many :)
I use a plugin for screenhots and i use this in my way. Thanks for your idea.Best regards,
June 23, 2017 at 10:56 am in reply to: Tab section buttons not working on Firefox after latest updates #812039Hey.
Excuse me. I have normal signs without special characters. It’s not working in Moz (all plugins are of in Moz and WP)
And also the colour definition is not working for first tab. Only if the switch to another tab in chrome, the tab font color has change the design. is an !Important Missing? I don’t know.I wait for the moment, when the finally tab section is working with an update ASAP.
It’s so buggy and so many workarounds. I have the feeling i should to ask a full time dev to set all manual workarounds on my and my 13 clients enfold pages. Inside the tab content, it seems a table show also not special signs like a mathematic sign “<” or “>”PS: it’s not possible to send credentials for my clients page.
Hello Support,
since it seems, the tab section needs a revision, an additional task for Tab section is there?
Please check whether the color setting of the fonts work correctly.
The first tab doesn’t show the right color from begin. Only if i select another tab, then the right color appearing in the first tab.Tested in Moz and Chrome. All plugins in browser and WP are deactivated.
Access to client page is not possible. Please test at your site.Best
June 22, 2017 at 2:06 pm in reply to: Problems and dev suggestion for CM Tooltip Glossary Pro+ plugin #811533Hi Victoria,
Excuse me, that my intention was not clear for you.
1. Please forward this bug to your development department. It has included comments.
2. It’s a turn around. You see in History, there are more user have Problems of combinating both.CM Glossary is a wide used Plugin. Some Enfold clients have problems in combination with both parties: Your devs should check this code, is something missed in template builder.php. This suggestion is recommended from support as suggestion for your development department (to have no longer incompatibility)
Please read this from Plugin support. Do you see actualy no benefit, especially for Enfold? :-o
We do have a history of incompatibility with Enfold theme, that’s true :) It’s quite common that people who like Enfold like our Tooltip Glossary too :)
Probably Enfold’s site builder is closing one of the tags in a non-standard way (maybe with JS) by default. And unclosed elements is not something our parser likes very much, so it automatically fixes them during the process. But this changes the layout completely, and the whole content which follows the first section is wrapped with the <div id=”container”> which has the 1310px width.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
Dear Nikko,
please try it at your account first. It’s not possible to give credentials on my client pages. please create Easy table in a tab section.
Use 1.0 > 2.0 and than take a look. I have tested it on fresh another installtion without own css: Same effect.Best
Dear Nikko,
There are not only problems inside the tab row. Also the content inside is affected.
See screenshots below. First is table inside tab section, Second is the result in the page.Hope, you fix this soon in a small update.
June 20, 2017 at 8:42 am in reply to: Please Check: Colour of Fullwidth Button in Mozilla, Edge and Chrome #810229Hi.
Oh my god. Sorry for this. Not WP and WP-Plugins are the reason. An extension in my browser is the reason. Is it possible, that an open tag is there in color section? Please see my thread for “Problems and dev suggestion for CM Tooltip Glossary Pro+ plugin”
I have attached also the extension.
Best and thanks
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
Dear Nikko,
sorry, my clients and i have 14 themes from enfold. His “hack” is not a solution for me and we make a turn around or don’t use this.
PS: If you work on this, please insert a color option for the tab fonts. If i use a clor tab background, the fonts have sometimes not an ideal color. I must use extra code also. Thanks & best
Dear Support,
i think, also special signs as & | . etc and german special signs “ä, ü, ö” are also in conflict.
June 1, 2017 at 1:06 pm in reply to: Please Check: Colour of Fullwidth Button in Mozilla, Edge and Chrome #802525Dear Rikard,
thanks for reply. The page is attached. PS: All plugins was turned OFF for test.
the funny thing is: This was a topic at “Google Webmaster Hangout” and Johannes Mueller from Google himself gives the right answer about that topic.
The questions were:
“Hallo. Was mich schon lange interessiert: Viele WordPress-Themes benutzen vordefinierte H-Tags. Beispielsweise im Logo (warum auch immer- ist ein Bild), für den Seitentitel oder gar für die Breadcrumbs mit einem Wort oder zwei. Im Footer geht es dann weiter mit H3-Tags für Kontakt usw. Sollten die Theme-Entwickler nicht den Benutzern die Chance lassen, ihr einziges & einzigartiges H-Tag im Body & Content zu benutzen? Sollten die Entwickler nicht eher eine eigene Klasse definieren? Vielen Dank”At 40:11 comes the answer:
Johannes said: “The headings comes as defined and a big impact is not expected.”
In other words: There is an impact. Since every little thing counts for seo & ranking (all other do this right like MOZ etc), every user should take every small impact. Today, i have in Enfold in a normal way one H1-tags and three H3 Tags on a empty fresh page with a three-row-footer. A Empty page filled with content, which i dont want declare as “important” like page title (title is always defined as tag— needs no h1-tag) or “Contact” or “Route” in the footer as H3-tag.
“If johannes would take the job as developer, he would do it with sense in a clean way and with a clean structure on a website”
“Developer, where use this way, have no big trouble or impact in rankings… google will take all what comes”What does it mean with “no big” impact?. A small impact? And what is the sense to put a breadcrumb with small fonts inside a h1-tag? It’s without sense. It’s taken from Yoast’s answer, X years old….
Now, you can decide, which guys answer are right? Johann from Google or Yoast?The same is valid for the logo: A logo image inside a strong tag? What is the sense of this way?
Please think about.
March 27, 2017 at 6:20 pm in reply to: Grid Row – Images and text in modern design – Switch left right: How can i solve #767605Hi, it’s better to speak with pictures. The original is the old slow page with old theme. The new website is build with enfold.
1. Is a simple CSS rule possible to have the mentioned behaviour? Please compare the screen and mobile versions of the orginal and the enfold grid.
At Enfold, i get not the same result on mobiles as in original design2. Why have the top picture a gap to the left and right (first picture enfold grid mobile) Both pictures have 1500×423 px in original
3. What is the perfect height of a picture in this design? if i reduce the screenszie, a gap between the pictures occuring
Or is a better option there to build such design?
Oh, excuse me, it’s additional from me. Copy paste error.
Hey Rikard,
Hallo Andy,
ich kann Dir genau sagen, was der Fehler ist. Du benutzt die obere gürne Color-Section, die funktioniert. Du kommst eben nicht meiner Bitte nach, die untere Colorbox zu benutzen. Ob nun bewusst oder unbewusst, ob du keine Zeit hast, die Text zu lesen… ich weiß es nicht. Ich habe eurer Theme 11 mal vermittelt und wir haben einen Support-Vertrag. Und damit nun keine Differenzen auftreten, mache nun bitte einen Screenshot von dem grünen Bereich mit den Inhalten der grünen Box:
Gründliche Besprechung
Großer FragebogenIch habe nun auch einen Freelancer beauftragt, den Fehler zu finden. Wie wir die Kosten dann aufsplitten, ob eine Meldung an Envato geht oder wir das über unsere Rechtsvertretungen lösen, entscheidest Du nun ganz allein. Ich setze hiermit der Firma “Kriesi Media GmbH” eine Frist bis Freitag, den 10.3.2017 um 12 Uhr, sich dem Fehler und dessen Lösung anzunehmen. Selbst mein Entwickler, der die Seite noch nie in den Händen hatte, sieht es. Das mit dem Cache ist eure Lieblingsantwort. Durch das einsetzen einer CSS Rule kann das Problem umgangen werden. Aber das werde ich nicht akzeptieren und alle Color-Sections bei allen Kunden mit eigenen CSS Rules ausstatten und meine private Zeit investieren, um hier gegebenfalls einen Bug auszumerzen. Das kann echt nicht wahr sein.
Sollte die Aufforderung zur Nachbesserung nicht umgesetzt werden, werde ich weitere Schritte einleiten. Ich fühle mich hier richtig verarscht von euch. Das nennt ihr premium support? Das ist verarsche. Nichts weiter.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Hallo Andy, anbei meine Daten. Irgendwas stimmt mit dem Sub-Menü nicht (Das ist allgemein sehr buggy – nach wie vor – siehe auch hier: Auf dem Tablet überlappt es den Textbereich. Vielleicht liegt es auch an dem Sub-Menü, das der Color-Codeblock nicht funktioniert. Auf alle Fälle ist da irgendwo ein Bug oder ich habe etwas an den CSS-Einstellungen versaut. Alle Plugins sind 1x deaktiviert worden. Und der letzte Colorblock ist nicht responsive. Ich habe nur den oberen Color-Block nochmal kopiert und ans Ende gesetzt. Auch die Neuerstellung der Seite etc. hilft nicht. Ich bitte um dringende Bearbeitung der Themen. Wir können noch tausend Screenshots uns zusenden. Das ist aber der Lösung nicht nahe – seit nunmehr fast 3 Monaten.
– Samsung Screenshot S6
– Samsung Tablet
– Samsung S6 Emulated
– IPAD EmulatedMfG
Hi, Same problems. This is not the sense of “Responsive”, lovely Enfold Guys. Responsive means: On every device it’s a pretty look.
There are more stuff, which is not responsive. If you have more than 8 signs, it’s too difficult for Enfold to implement a rule. It’s better for enfold to answer again and again. I wan’t know, how many user make a responsive test on different devices. I think, most of them use one device and if it this o.k, than is it ok. And with the new ugly tab section, it’s the same stuff. i create a task.@media only screen and (max-width: 1310px) {
.avia_iconbox_title {
font-size: 16px !Important;
.avia-button-fullwidth {
!padding: 1%;
!margin: 1%;
}}@media only screen and (max-width: 1050px) {
.avia_iconbox_title {
font-size: 14px !Important;
.responsive #top #wrap_all .container {
padding-left: 5px;
h1 {
h2 {
h3 {
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by