I believe this is now resolved via creating a “Page Rule” in CloudFlare.
1. Create a page rule for -> mysite.com/wp-admin/*
2. Turn OFF -> Security Email Obfuscation, Server Side Excludes and Web Application Firewall
It is 2:05PM EST now.
I am going to try out a few different things with CloudFlare, caches, etc. So, please hold on while I do this to avoid confusion.
I will let you know what happens by 230PM EST.
Nothing on the host side.
As far as my CDN – CloudFlare – I did the following…
1. Purged cache
2. Paused CloudFlare
That seemed to work but now…
UPDATE: It is NOT working again.
The problem is the same as described by the others.
1. Open the first link that I sent in the private reply above
2. Edit page
3. Edit form
4. Change “Form Title” and/or “Your email address”
5. Click “Save”
6. “Update” page
Go back to edit the form again and you will see that the defaults have been restored (your form edits are gone).