Hello dear friends,
I have found a solution to change a widget title’s font size or weight but can not find how to do it to text below the title.
For example a category widget, how can I make the categories bold or change their fonts?
Thank you
Hey tanssu,
Could you post a link to where we can see the element in question please?
Best regards,
I haven’t produced the page yet, but I wrote down the link of the website. I am talking about classic navigation menu widget.
I took a look at your site but didn’t see any widgets, then I noticed above that said you didn’t create it yet.
The widgets are given different IDs when they are created, so it is a little hard to write the correct css for a widget before it is created, and not effect other widgets. But as an example here is how the change the font weight, color, & size with css:
.widget_categories a {
color: red !important;
font-weight: bolder !important;
font-size: 12px !important;
Please let us know when you have a activate widget you would like to change, so we can assist.
Best regards,