Through many own projects we noticed that the Lightbox script does not support some new image formats opened via the lightbox. E.G. WEBP image format.
Our suggestion for support would therefore be to add the following section in the next Enfold update:
Line 131:
Add a[href$=webp]
In addition, the browser scrollbar is visible even when the lightbox is open, which makes no sense. Line 20 of the script should better be: fixedContentPos: true,
Best Regards, Julian
Hey convecto,
Thanks for the suggestion. I will share this with the devs.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Latest Enfold 4.5 still no improvement. My suggestion is completely ignored and the theme’s lightbox still has no support for the webp format. Why?
Different issues are given priority over others, the devs can’t guarantee that every suggestion will be placed into the next release or the one after, but it was not ignored I’m sure.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon