I had opened another ticket for this and thought it was solved but it’s not. The ticket was marked closed so I cant respond there.
We want to HIDE just the flag IMAGES on mobile view TOP AREA because they are sized wrong.
See private link
Ideally we want the images to fit. But if we add custom css to remove the phone info then it removes the telephone number.
We need the phone number and the flag images. So if it can be hidden on mobile view only that would be great. We do not want to hide them on desktop view.
Hey vegaspro,
Best regards,
The flags images. The reason we want to hide them on mobile is as you can see they are not aligned properly. They look fine on desktop. So we just want to hide those on mobile. But we also want to keep the phone number.
Thanks for clarifying. Please add the following to quick css:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.wp-image-2853, .wp-image-2854{
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon