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  • #987641


    My site is in finnish and translated to two languages (english, swedish).

    My translated pages are not showing any Avia Advanced Layout Builder elements that have images for example the Fullwidth Easy Slider and Masonry Gallery elements are both missing. On the backend editor the avia elements are displayed correctly but to the visitor they are missing.

    I’ve tried different WPML settings, emptied the cache and read instructions on WPML forums but I can’t get the elements to show up.
    I have the WPML media translation plugin installed as well.

    I think the ALB elements went missing after a recent WPML update but I’m not sure since I don’t check the translated pages regularly.

    I’ve searched the Kriesi forums and WPML forums for a solution but haven’t one that works yet.

    Can you help me troubleshoot?


    Hey olppa,

    Thanks for the login details, though they seem to not be working:

    VIRHE: Antamasi salasana käyttäjätunnukselle tmj_dev on virheellinen.

    Could you check and verify please?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Have you tried to reselect the images from the slider? Did you translate or duplicate the images?


    Best regards,



    Here is what I tried:
    1. On the translated page I re-selected the images in Fullwidth easy slider slides
    -> No images
    2. On the translated page I created a new Fullwidth easy slider element and selected the images to that slider
    -> No images
    3. Disabled caching plugin
    -> No images
    4. Disabled WPLM Media Plugin
    -> No images
    5. On the translated page I put a single image in a ALB Image element
    -> Image is shown

    I wanted to test if any images will show on a translated page when using the Masonry gallery.
    I selected over 10 images but only 3 would show.
    I checked the Media Library what made those images different.
    The images that were shown were not attached to any page or post.
    I tested this with the Fullwidth Easy Slider and the same behaviour was present there.

    So the issue is now this on a translated page ALB elements will show only images that are not attached to any page or post.

    This is a very strange bug. The weird thing is that everything was working fine before but after updates to both WPML and Enfold this is now happening.
    Not sure if this is because of WPML or Enfold.
    Can you help?



    There seems to be a core problem in WPML. I’ve been in touch with them and they say there should be a fix in the next update.

    Could you please get in touch with the guy (see in private content) who is in charge of compatibility at WPML and report the problem to him and give him access to your site so he can check everything.

    Maybe he can check the fix on your site ?

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for contacting WPML.
    I have sent an email to the WPML employee whose email you posted.

    Hope they can patch this in the next update.



    I forgot to tell you that you need to update the following files – this might already solve some problems (at least it did on my dev install):

    config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\catalogue\catalogue.php with

    config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\image\image.php with

    config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\image_hotspots\image_hotspots.php with

    config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\section.php with



    Do not forget to make a backup of the original files for a fallback and that you have updated to Enfold 4.4.1.

    Please update these files and clear all server and browser cache.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Gunter for the files.

    Can I copy these files to my child theme folder?



    I think, you better update the core files as these changes should get part in one of the next updates.

    Best regards,



    I updated the files in /themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes
    I cleared the cache and deactivated the cache plugin.
    The image issue still persists.
    The Masonry gallery and Fullwidth Easy Slider elements are still not showing images on translated pages.



    Sorry for the troubles.
    We have been in touch with WPML team and there was a bug in WPML core. The WPML compatibility team told me, that our fixes and their corrections seem to work now.

    If you want you can contact the WPML guy who is in charge of this and ask him to check your site with their latest version (see private content)

    Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

    Best regards,



    I’ve talked with the WPML support and they are saying that the future Enfold 4.4.2 version should resolve this WPML bug.

    Any idea when this Enfold update will be published?

    Here is a support thread where the WPML staff say that Enfold 4.4.2 should resolve this issue:



    The following thread might help. Just follow the moderator’s instruction.


    Best regards,



    The problem seems to have been solved.

    I went to WPML -> Settings -> Post Types Translation -> Media (attachment) and put the radio button to “Translatable – only show translated items” .
    My previous selection had been: “Translatable – use translation if available or fallback to default language”

    I feel like I already tried to change the Post Types Translation settings once before but I can’t remember anymore. Anyhow, I’m glad media translation is working again on my site.

    I did try to manually update the translated pages and re-upload the images which didn’t work and the “Translatable – use translation if available or fallback to default language” option doesn’t seem to be working with Enfold.
    So something with the WPML media translation still need bug fixing.
    But that is up to the WPML plugin team.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by olppa.


    Glad you found a solution.

    Thank you for sharing this for other users.

    Enjyo the theme and feel free to come back when you need further assistance.

    Best regards,

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