For the portfolio-items, the URL is not as desired. It is now:
I would like to change this to:
How do I change this?
In the Settings-Permalinks I wasn’t able to add a value in the Portfolio setting that worked.
Please note, I have Portfolio-items that have a Category, which could be linked to a Main Category. What I want to show in the URL is just the Main Category.
Hey shermski,
I didn’t test the plugin but you can try https://wordpress.org/plugins/remove-taxonomy-base-slug/ to remove the taxonomy slug (in this case “portfolio-items”) from the urls.
Best regards,
No dude, not works, at least with Enfold, also that plugin has not been updated for the last 6 years
Hi nicolasweh,
Well, you can try to look for another plugin that helps to accomplish that.
Best regards,