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  • #980651

    Please let me hav or tell me how can I get the Avia builder debug code for you Enfold App demo. I don’t want to replace my whole theme. I just want to see how you have done it.

    Sorry tp double up but can you please tell me what you used to make the cool typing effects on the Enfold Elegant Portfolio.

    Many thanks


    Hey fanlokbun,

    1) You can activate the debug window by adding this code to the child theme functions.php file:

    	add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    	function builder_set_debug() {
    		return "debug";

    2) Kriesi used this shortcode to create the typing effect:

    [av_headline_rotator before_rotating='Hi! I am Max and this is my portfolio. I can help you build a' after_rotating='Don’t be shy, get in touch!' interval='3' animation='typewriter' margin='40px,0,170px,0' tag='h3' size='5vw' align='left' custom_title='#0a0a0a' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av_uid='av-jffs3b9z' admin_preview_bg='']
    [av_rotator_item title='beautiful logo.' link='' linktarget='' custom_title='' av_uid='av-9kdge']
    [av_rotator_item title='successful brand.' link='' linktarget='' custom_title='' av_uid='av-dzkxq']
    [av_rotator_item title='thriving business.' link='' linktarget='' custom_title='' av_uid='av-a9cdi']

    Best regards,


    Hi Dude,
    Sorry I didn’t make myself clear. I already have the debug window enabled. What I want is the code to paste into it from your Enfold App demo page.

    Thanks for the text code.



    Hi Rob,

    Please try this:

    Best regards,


    Spot on!
    Many thanks




    Best regards,

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