Hello Team,
I have around 300 posts in my website and the number increases day by day, each post has its own gallery, each Gallery will have around 16 images.
Now the issue is, when i upload Gallery images to my post, it generates 13 different sizes for each image most of the sizes are not useful for me. This is creating a huge space issue in my server.
Please suggest a solution
1. How to remove these unused sizes created till now, and
2. How to stop this sizes creation and how can i define only certain sizes to create.
Hey Jeff,
This is most likely a wordpress issue, you can try to check this post: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-prevent-wordpress-from-generating-image-sizes/
or try to use this plugin Stop Generating Image Sizes: https://wordpress.org/plugins/image-sizes/
As for unused images you can remove them manually or you can try some plugins like: https://wordpress.org/plugins/media-cleaner/ for it
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Hey Nikko,
Thank you for the details, i will try with those and will posts the outcome here.