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  • #978898

    I was contemplating purchasing the enfold theme. Before I make the purchase, kindly let me know if it will be suitable for this type of blog. I could be wrong but amongst the demos you have provided for this theme, non has pointed to tech news. Incase you have an alternative suggestions please let me know. also, I’dg5 appreciate if you could send me a demo link to the theme you would suggest for this type of blog.

    My blog will focus on tech news, tips and reviews.
    finally, please let me know if you can help me in making the purchase. I’m visually impaired.

    Your response would be really appreciated.



    Hey Moses,

    Thank you for considering Enfold.

    A tech blog should be possible with the Enfold theme. The theme contains a few posts elements such as the magazine and post slider so you can use those to display different variations of posts or articles. Unfortunately, we can’t help you with the purchase. You should contact Themeforest about that.

    This is a tech blog created with the theme.

    Best regards,

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