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  • #974563

    Want to create a blog or news page that titles are displayed on the left side bar, but when clicked on it, it displays the entire post / news on the right side (see first link address in private area). Unable to find this in Enfold (may be missing the right element).


    Hey gadgetman1,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Did you enable the Advance Layout Builder for the blog? You should be able to configure the blog options in the Enfold > Blog Layout panel. Adjust the blog layout and styling. Set the “Blog Layout” settings to “Single author, big preview” if you want the layout of the “americanindican” news page.

    Best regards,


    Thanks. Yes, I tried all layout options. The main issue is that it does not play the left sidebar & post title, so I can click on the title to display that post full content on the right side just like the link in the private area. Any help greatly appreciated as I have spent hours on it and could’t get it to come out.


    I got the blog/news working partially, but when I click on a title in left side bar, it opens it in a new page rather than displaying in the right side. Would help please (See private area for links).



    The “americanindican” opens in a new page but it looks like it’s on the same page because the layout is the same. You have to configure the Enfold > Sidebar Settings. Set the “Sidebar on Single Post Entries” to display the sidebar on the left side and then go to the Appearance > Widgets panel to configure the displayed widgets. Try to use the Recent Posts widget.

    Best regards,

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