Tagged: background, CSS, header area
Hi, I have my website logo area background colour set to #333333 but when viewed on a mobile device it changes colour to #eaeaea
I can’t seem to locate the css file to edit it as I would like to also have the background colour set to #333333 when viewed on a mobile. When inspected using Google Chrome it seems to be hidden in a cached css file.
Here you can view the site in question: https://dev.yallarugby.com/
Any clues as to why I can’t remove this?
Thanks in advance
Hey johnosjourney,
You can override the color by adding a “!important;” to the end of your color rule and placing it in your Enfold Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS field
or in your WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS
but when I look at your mobile site, I see #333333
Please see screenshot in Private Content area.
Best regards,