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  • #973374

    Hey Kriesi support,

    Thanks for your help on your regarding the previous compatibility issues between Enfold and Gravity Forms. In my previous thread, you provided me with a code snippet I could insert into wpconfig that, for the most part, fixed this issue.

    Having had more time to use Gravity Forms with the most current version of Enfold, I am running into more issues. Specifically, in the form Conformation and Notification settings (what the user sees when they complete the form, how email notifications are sent, etc.) It seems the visual editor/text editors do not load correctly, and I am not able to type anything into them.

    Here is a screenshot of what the broken visual editor looks like in the Confirmation settings.

    Here are the errors I see when inspecting the broken visual editor.

    Any thoughts? Can’t thank the Kriesi support team enough for all the help you provide Enfold users.


    Hey FloppySocks,

    Thanks for the screenshots, where can we see and reproduce the actual problems?

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    Thanks for your help and reply. You can find the areas I’m talking about in an individual form’s settings (Gravity Forms > Forms > [Insert Form Name Here] > Settings > Confirmations [OR] > Notifications). This is where you set what people see upon completing a form (Confirmations), or what emails are sent upon completion (Notifications).

    The issues I’m experiencing occur when you select the TEXT Confirmation Type or Notification Type. You will see that both the Visual and Text input options become limited in function or completely unusable (can’t type, missing formatting options, etc). Switching between the two causes further issues where the Visual and Text blocks completely disappear.

    Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

    Thanks again Rikard,
    – Julian



    Thanks for the update.

    It’s another issue with the layer slider script. Are you using the Layer Slider? If you’re not using it, you can manually disable it in the Enfold > Layout Builder > “Integrated (Bundled) LayerSlider Plugin” settings. Select the “Remove theme plugin and slides” option to get rid of the script errors.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    I do use Layer Slider on my homepage. Is it possible to disable the layer slider script on just the pages where this is an issue? (I do not use Layer Slider on those pages).




    Yes it is possible with a custom function that can dequeue the code.
    IF you need help you would need to hire someone.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the help Kriesi team. I cannot hire someone for this but will look to a different layer slider and see if that fixes the issue.

    Thanks again!



    Thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Yes, my apologies. Please close this thread. Thanks again to the three of you and the rest of Kriesi support.

    – Julian



    No worries. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,

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