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  • #962638


    Im using a Parther Logo how carousel slider, its posiible insert a ccs code into Partner Logo Element, for when mouseover add a overlay color, I dont need that open the image, because i have a link into image, just add a overlay color mouseover.

    Thank you


    Hey honkatech,
    Yes we can assist, please link to the page so we can write custom css for you. What color do you want the overlay?

    Best regards,



    Coler overlay with 0.5 transparent is:


    waiting yet,

    The Parther Logo how carousel slider is in home page

    Thank you


    I added the custom class “part-logo” to the element so this would not effect any other partner elements, you may remove it from the code if you wish.
    Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    #top .part-logo.avia-logo-element-container img:hover {
        filter: brightness(.7);

    feel free the adjust the number to suit.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Do you remember you added a class called “part-logo” in my web site to do this, I updated my theme to the last version and now the overlay color mouseover on partner logo doesn’t work.

    I hope you can help me again, the access is the same.

    Thank you


    I did not know that I had published the access in a public way a year ago I changed the access password, please if you can delete my answer number #962837 I will be grateful to you.

    Coler overlay with 0.5 transparent is:


    First I hid your exposed login. Then I found that for the partner element the custom class was not there anymore, which should not be lost via an update.
    Then I found that the css still didn’t work because the structure of the element had changed, so I adjusted the css and now it works good.
    Please clear your browser cache and check.
    You don’t need to worry about updating again because I doubt that we will change the element structure again, but if we do we can help adjust your css again :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much MIke,

    Now it is ok.



    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads in the Enfold forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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