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  • #962361

    In an effort to fix the fact that I can no longer use my Layout builder, and no one is responding to that thread. I have been reading and reading about how to fix this issue. And discovered through inspecting the page where the error is the following: (MY API KEY IS FINE)

    util.js:248 Google Maps API warning: RetiredVersion

    “You may have supplied a retired version in your script element. The versions 3.0 – 3.30 have been retired, and you might be receiving 3.31 instead. Please update your application to use one of the available versions.”


    Hey Arlie_Francis,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Dear all,
    I’ve got the same messages from Google yesterday but found space characters in front of the API key in the source code. This may be the reason. It occurs on all pages I’ve already updated to the latest WordPress version in German.
    In which file may I solve this problem? Before getting “Google Service” in Enfold I’ve used the file /wp-content/themes/enfold/js/shortcode.js.

    I’ve posted my finding in various posts but never got an answer. Could you help, Victoria?
    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,

    Below are the credentials…

    Thank you



    Same issue on my side:not able to display maps with a RetiredVerssion error message from Google.



    Dear all,

    Nikko gave me the key advice this morning. I’ve put the API key in the following code and the maps started working again …. I’m so happy!
    enfold > framework > php > class-gmaps.php (line 345, in my case it’s line 79):
    avia_framework_globals.gmap_api = ‘” .$api_key . “‘;

    Many thanks and best regards,


    I put the key the following code and I got a syntax error – I assumed I replaced ‘” .$api_key . “‘; with ” key”;
    Also, my map is there but I get a warning which indicates there will be an issue if not handled…

    util.js:248 Google Maps API warning: RetiredVersion

    It really stinks that I am not getting any assistance with this…


    Hi all,

    Please refer to the fix here

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I would like to point out that the thread you sent me is for a completely different issue.
    They were getting a parse error and I am getting a warning that the Google Maps API is retired when it is not. I have my account up to date, and with a new API code.
    util.js:248 Google Maps API warning: RetiredVersion


    Hi Arlie_Francis,
    I’ve got this message in same cases too. I think it refers to the new version of API keys Google will introduce in June. They only work with payment but will be free for low traffic (200 a day).
    Best regards,


    Thank you Petra! That makes complete sense. Thank you again!


    Your’re welcome, Arlie_Francis! :)



    The theme loads the old version of the map script but it’s nothing critical. We’ll close the thread now. :)

    Best regards,

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