May 19, 2018 at 9:33 pm #959204
we have issues in the dynamic_avia css. We have a multisite with 3 domains. If we include a background images in any area like grunge-light.png in the enfold settings we have this link for the image:
So we have to download the dynamic css after every changes in the site to give the background image the right link!and the second one: we upload for example a picture with 500px width and 800px height and 38,7 KB size. After the upload we have 16 pictures more with up to 120 KB size.
Thats not good! What we have to do, to have pictures with a lower size.
We have WP 4.9.6, PHP 7.0 and Enfold 4.3.1Regards
BiggyMay 20, 2018 at 2:04 am #959273Hey Biggy,
Your first issue was solved with the latest update v4.3.2
Please update and check.Best regards,
MikeMay 20, 2018 at 5:30 pm #959469Hi Mike,
after the update the first issue is solved! great!
and with the second issue with the picture size?Regards
BiggyMay 20, 2018 at 6:37 pm #959482Hi,
You can easily control how many image sizes that are created when you upload a new image with the plugin Simple Image Sizes
It will list all of your media sizes at WordPress > Dashboard > Settings > Media > Media Settings
and you can set the ones you don’t want to use to zero.Best regards,
MikeMay 21, 2018 at 11:47 am #959681Hi Mike,
we know enfold and the functions.
This was not our question. And when we would like to use some thumbnail sizes less it is easy to write this in the child function.
But back to the problem: We upload a picture with the following size and weight: 700px x 300px and 38,5 KB weight.
Then enfold generates 12 additional pictures (functions.php line 146 to 158) and some of the pictures are heavier than the original picture. Some pictures have now a weight between 80 and 120 kb. 120 Kb is 3 times heavier than the original picture?
BiggyMay 21, 2018 at 1:40 pm #959752Hi,
This has to do with WP core image compression and the PHP extension used.
This most frequently happens when using the GD library with PHP. If your webhost has it available, enable the Imagick extension (ImageMagick) for PHP. Your webhost will be able to help you enable it.A smaller set of dimensions doesn’t automatically translate to smaller filesize, because when you make the image smaller in dimensions, the pixels can’t get any smaller, so instead some are thrown out, and moved around, colors are changed, and more to make the image look mostly the same as the larger one. Then the general rule of compression comes in to play, smooth areas of images can be compressed better than rough areas that have lots of variation in color. A picture of the pure blue sky will be smaller than a picture of a bunch of flowers with different colors, because there are more jagged lines, more variation, less room for compression.
If you don’t find changing the PHP extension used helps, there are plugins that use better compression and should help.
Here’s some more info: 4 key wordpress image optimization tipsBest regards,
MikeMay 22, 2018 at 8:25 am #960183Hi Mike,
Thanks for your statements.
We solved our problem.
You can close the topic.Regards
BiggyMay 22, 2018 at 12:53 pm #960305 -
- The topic ‘Issues in the dynamic_avia css’ is closed to new replies.