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  • #952179

    Hello, I’m having the issue of WooCommerce variation images not changing on a selection. I’ve switched the gallery to “WooCommerce 3.0 product gallery” in the theme options but it remains the same. If I switch to “Default enfold product gallery”, there’s no change in appearance at all. Almost like the change isn’t being saved at all. Login details are below. Thank you


    Hey gradient9,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The product content is created with the advance layout builder. That option only works when the default editor is enabled. (see private field)

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem. I use the default editor so that is not the problem in my case. I’ve switched the gallery to “WooCommerce 3.0 product gallery” in the theme options and that does solve the problem, but i would rather use the default Enfold product gallery.



    Thank you for helping us identify where the problem is.
    Actually WooCommerce changed the way to deal with the images on variations so we have to update it also from our side.

    We appreciate the patience while we do work things out :)

    Best regards,

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