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  • #950207

    I just updated to Enfold 4.3.1 on this site: and the internal stylesheet is not working. My child theme styles are showing just fine, but many of the styles defined in the “General Styling” tab are not being displayed. I deleted all cached files, turned off my cacheing plugin (WP Fastest Cache), etc. etc.

    I have tried changing some of the “General Styling” styles and some will show up and some will not. For example – if I change the logo area background, it changes the background for the entire page with the exception of the footer. If I change the background color of the main content, nothing happens.

    I have tried disabling all of the plugins – no change. I have updated a bunch of other sites running Enfold in the last day, and had no issues like this. I have tried removing all styles from my child theme stylesheet – no change. I’m stumped.

    Thanks for your help.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I couldn’t leave my client’s site down any longer so I rolled it back to Version: 4.2.6.

    I had to make a change to the general styling, save the changes, then change it back and save it again. Once I did that all of the original styles came back.

    I’ll have to re-visit this issue tomorrow.


    Hi cjbuilt,

    Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the problems. Do you have a staging version of the site? If not then I would recommend having one, so that you can perform the update there first without having to risk any down time on your production site. That would give us a chance to check the problems you are having as well.

    Best regards,


    Agreed that it is best practices to have a staging site, but I generally don’t have them for simple sites like this that rarely break, due primarily to laziness. I haven’t found a good system to keep the two synced without doubling or tripling the time I spend twice a month on updates. I don’t want to accidentally have out of date WordPress installs hanging around on servers.

    Having said that, I just set one up to troubleshoot this issue, ran the update and it worked fine. Then I went back to the live install and ran the update and it worked fine.

    Another internet mystery solves itself! (After wasting some hours of my time). Oh well. All’s well that ends well. Thanks for the support.


    Hi CJ,

    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for the feedback. I know that updates are boring and you just want to get it over with, but in my experience it pays off having staging sites and performing update there first. You won’t have to deal with people like us as much if you do :D

    If you want a super safe way of updating your sites, then you should consider having an update process like this.

    Best regards,


    I’ve run into the same problem again and cannot find any way to resolve it. I have set up a dev version of the site that you can play with. As you will see, simply updating Enfold breaks all the styles and there is no way to get them back. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I run Enfold on a bunch of sites and this is the only one that I have problems with.


    Hi CJ,

    Thanks for the login details. I can’t see anything like that happening in your sites current state though, does this happen when you update to the latest version? If so, could we see it in that state as well?

    Best regards,


    Sorry, I should have been more clear. That dev site is in working order before updating Enfold. I set it up so that you can run the update and see what happens.


    Hi CJ,

    Thanks for the feedback, though I think we will need FTP details as well to be able to update, since the automatic updates don’t seem to work on your site. Please post FTP login details in private.

    Best regards,


    That’s strange. It works for me. Maybe it was a permissions issue – I just updated those. Anyway, FTP creds sent privately.


    Hi CJ,

    I’m really sorry but I updated your live site by mistake, I didn’t realise that the live site was in the same folder until it was too late. I’m trying to fix it now though, let me know if you want to restore the site from a backup instead.

    Really sorry about this, I’ll try to get your site back up asap.

    Edit: site back to normal, I’ll try to update the dev site now.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Rikard.

    Hi again CJ,

    I’ve updated the dev site to 4.4.1 and I can see that there are some issues, though it doesn’t seem like any files are not loading, only that some settings are not applying. Could you post login details to the live site as well so that I can try to import the theme settings from that site please?



    When I say that files aren’t loading, I’m referring to the child theme style.css file. In fact, you will see that changes to the Enfold style editor have no effect on the appearance of the website. None of the style settings work. This is exactly the problem that I’ve been trying to figure out.

    I have changed the FTP account settings so that you no longer have access to the live site. I have uploaded the styles export file to the server for you.



    I think there might be server side caching on files. I updated Style.css file via FTP however i cannot see the changes being reflected on the file.
    I added following code to top of the style.css file

    .logo { display: none !important; }

    Could you please try contact your hosting provider and find out if that is the case?

    Best regards,


    There was server side cacheing, but it is now turned off, but that definitely doesn’t explain everything. There was an option to purge the cache in the WP back-end. I do see that the logo is not displaying now.



    Great! Glad you figured it out. Shall we mark this thread as resolved? :)

    Best regards,


    No. That wasn’t the problem and it’s not resolved. The styles on the dev site are still not functioning properly and if I update the live site it’s going to go all wonky. For example – why is the content background not showing up as white?



    Can you download the web site to local and try from there? Or a different server please?

    Best regards,

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