I just purchased a theme from ThemeForest a few minutes ago with the purchase code:
When I went to register, it said that purchase code is already taken with another account??
Just trying to view the forum and have a time sensitive question.
Hey Ali Gray,
I get the same error when trying out your purchase code, are you sure that you have the correct purchase code and that you haven’t registered on the forum before?
Best regards,
Yes, I got that in the email from ThemeForest yesterday and have never used this forum.
Really not sure what to do but need to get in!
Thanks for the feedback. I’ve never seen that happen before to be honest with you, could you verify that the purchase code is correct in your actual account? The one in the email might be incorrect: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202822600-Where-Is-My-Purchase-Code-
Best regards,