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  • #935483

    Hello. Our blog page shows the most recent blog at the bottom of the page. I would like to reverse the order in which posts appear, so that the most recent posts are seen at the top of the page. There does not seem to be any options for affecting the order in the Theme Options. Thanks


    Hey jpanzetta,
    That’s odd, on my install the newest posts are on top, try disabling your plugins, perhaps there is a conflict. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.
    Otherwise, Can you please include a admin login in the private content area so we can take a closer look.
    We will also ask for permission to temporary disable your plugins to check for conflicts.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike. You were right. It’s the Events Calendar Pro plug-in that is causing the trouble. When I disable that, the blog page shows the most recent posts at the top of the page. This is problematic though because we are hugely invested in using this plug-in. It’s how we are showing all the info about our programming and is used across the site. Is there a workaround? (finger crossed). admin creds in private area. Thank you.


    I see that the blog post sorting was a issue with the Events Calendar Pro and a older Enfold, but should now be fixed.
    I also see you are using Enfold v4.2.4, we are now up to v4.2.6
    So I suggest updating your theme. Since you are not getting a update notice in your admin panel, you will need to Try to update manually via FTP:
    I recommend backing up your site first.
    When you update please delete the whole theme folder, then upload the new one. Please don’t try to overwrite your theme files as some old files will be left behind.
    Also be sure your webhost is not using a old PHP version, such as v5.3
    If you have a staging site, or can test on your localhost first, this might also be a good idea.

    Best regards,

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