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  • #934396

    I’ve tried to figure out why my Plugins Update is showing (1) update, but no updates are available. I saw on another thread that someone mentioned they are having this issue with the Enfold theme. I’ve checked my sites running Enfold and all of them have the issue of showing a Plugin update when none are available. I have a feeling this is a bug in the theme.


    Hello. This is due to the built-in LayerSlider plugin. It is always going to display this until Enfold releases an update that ALSO contains the latest LayerSlider update. Your options:

    1. Ignore
    2. Disable LayerSlider under Enfold settings
    3. Purchase the PAID version of LayerSlider and disable the version built-into Enfold



    Thanks for the explanation. I figured it had something to do with an embedded plugin in the theme. Also wanted to post this so others can figure it out.


    No problem. If we had searchability in the forum (cough cough), this could be seen as a long-standing issue. ; )


    There is a forum search in the top menu, next to Jobs. It didn’t find what I was looking for though.


    Yeah, that cough was not meant for you. ; ) You will have better luck with Googling “Enfold <whateveryourissueis>”



    Thanks for helping out @WP Turned Up. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic @ignitionworkshop.

    Best regards,

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