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  • #933141

    I am using the boxed layout with the sidebar navigation. I am trying to modify the pages so that there is always a title at the top. I was going to just add this manually in the layout builder but I need it to just be there each time a new page is created as opposed to having to apply the template (easier for users). I have added the page.php and loop-page.php to my child but nothing I am doing to them is showing on the live site. I even added a folder for the loop-page.php to match the includes like in the parent theme. It’s a dev site but for some reason the changes are not taking effect. I checked permisions and have them set to 755 but that isn’t changing anything either. Is there a different template to edit for this specific layout?


    Hey cyber13,

    Are you using Advanced Layout Builder on pages? if yes, the template is using: template-builder.php
    Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    So if I want to add some html at the top in the main container, do I need to make those changes in loop-page.php or directly in this template-builder.php? If in this template, could you point me on the right direction as far as where in the code? I have tried adding some test html, but it breaks so I have to remove it.



    If you’re using the advance layout builder, you need to modify the template-builder.php file or use the “avf_template_builder_content” filter in the functions.php file. Example:

    add_filter('avf_template_builder_content', 'avf_template_builder_content_mod');
    function avf_template_builder_content_mod( $content ) {
    	$title = '<h1 class="custom_page_title">'.get_the_title( get_the_ID() ).'</h1>';
    	$content = $title . $content;
    	return $content;

    Please provide a link to a test page.

    Best regards,

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