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  • #930097

    Dear all,

    the advanced layout builder is not working i already try everything, the trasient cleaner, change browser, refresh the theme, erase the previous theme and then updat again, everything and everything, then i try to my self edit the pages from the demo and when i make update or see the changes go to “Error 404 – page not found”

    Please im not able to do nothing. I need your help urgent


    any suggestion any help?



    I have updated the permalinks but that did not help. For testing purpose please deactivate enfold theme and try to save the page using default WordPress theme and let us know if saving the page works.

    Best regards,


    i make two tests
    1. i try with the enfold theme active and the advanced layout builder continue not working and i try to save and give a 404 page
    2. i deactivate the enfold theme and activated the twenty seventeen theme and when i make save it goes also for a 404 page
    what more you can suggest?

    best regards,


    Hi Guys,

    i need i help here, where is the support?



    If you get the same behaviour with the default theme, then it’s not theme related. Did you try to disable all plugins to see if there is a conflict coming from any of them?

    Where the support is? We are all over the world :-)

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    i understand but exist any place where i can open a ticket for this subject???

    I made a fresh instalation and i create a single page i didn’t import any demo, i create a new page disable all the widgets and write same text i make update and was perfect next i pass to the layout builder i write some thing more make update and perfect next i put a new layout element make update and page 404,its possible something in the layout builder is rong?

    Please help me on this i need to finish this project

    best regards,



    Hi Ricardo,

    I connected to your server via FTP however i could not find your installation inside public_html folder. Have you deleted all WordPress files?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    i hope you can help me, i delete everything from there, i will install, you can have acess in 5 minutes. let me know please what we can do

    best regards,

    Ricardo Nascimento



    I was fixing the issue and it seems like you have removed the installation again :)



    Sorry, it is intalled now, i do not touch anymore until you tell me



    Content of enfold/framework/ folder was not installed correctly. I removed the folder and re-installed it and that helped. Please review your website :)



    Hi Yigit,
    the problem continue is doing the same, the layout builder are all the time loading but nothing happens, and when i put a layout element and for example a content element and make update it goes to this page so i’m not able to create nothing

    Best regards,



    Hi Yigit,

    please give me here a hand is not working i buy this theme thinking i buy a good theme with a good support, what i should do?



    We got this error from the console.

    /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    Is the site hosted on GoDaddy? Please ask your hosting provider if the server blocks the “admin-ajax.php” file.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    is not, he is hosted in, should i ask to my provider also?

    Ricardo Nascimento


    Hi yigit, can you help me please, im one week now waiting for help.



    I’m sorry for the late response. The builder works properly on a newly created page but not on the front page. Please ask your hosting provider to increase the memory limit from 128M to 256M.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    te limit was increase from 128M to 256M but remains the same, the Advanced layout builder is not working is always loading and nothing and if i do update it goes for a not found page, i give you again all the details for you guys check by yourself.


    Ismael and Yigit and with this 3 weeks now i buy this theme i would like to use theme i only ask a help please



    I was trying to debug the issue but the site went down. Please ask your hosting provider to increase the “max_input_vars” value from 1000 to 3000 and “max_execution_time” to 60 seconds. Or try this code in the .htaccess file.

    php_value max_input_vars 3000
    php_value max_execution_time 60

    I will check this again later today once the server is up.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    many thanks later you can check the increase

    best regards,




    I would like to check this again but the site is still not accessible. Please contact your hosting provider.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    the site is accessible, can you try again please

    Best regards,


    Hi Ricardo,

    I was checking out website however i started to get time out error. I believe that is the same issue Ismael had and it is temporary.

    Layout builder does not seem to load when there is a Color Section element on the page. We will report the issue to our devs and use this thread as reference.



    Hi Yigit,

    thanks, until now i wasn’t able to do nothing, another thing i would like you check is when we make a update on the page it goes to a not found page that is also very annoying because i can’t do nothing from zero

    best regards,




    It is because of Color Section element. Could you please try creating your pages without Color Section element while we try and figure what exactly is causing the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    it makes the same, i put a layout element 1/1 then a separator / whitespace make update and goes to a not found page

    best regards,




    Please ask your hosting provider to check if the “admin-ajax.php” is being blacklisted by the “mod_security” rule.

    Best regards,


    Hi Guys,

    Please am having same issues. I bought the theme, Uploaded the theme via http://FTP..Imported Demo Contents…was a success. Uploaded CHILD THEME was Success. Starting working on the theme..all good…

    I started having issues when i started editing the pages using Page Layout Builder. I was able to work on the Home Page perfectly. But i got stuck working on the ABOUT PAGE.

    When i go to WP>Pages>About Us> Edit……the page layout builder keeps loading for ages…

    Please i need HELP….This issue has been lingering for 3 weeks already..and my company are losing patience already…

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