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  • #928055

    ive tried this to change the backgorund color of the search box

    /* search box styling */
    #top #s {
    background-color: #ffffff;

    but it did not work.
    how to do this?


    Hey jelle,

    I checked your site and it works, I clicked on the search icon on the right and inspected it, you can try changing it to #000000 since #ffffff is already the background color of your div/container.

    Best regards,


    hi nikko, you are absolutely right.
    i misread the question of my client. he wants a border around the magnifying glass, to make it more marked.
    i ve found out one can adjust this with:

    #menu-item-search a { border: 1px solid black !important; etc etc }

    thanks anyway



    Glad that’s it’s all good then. Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day! :)

    Best regards,

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