Hello Sirs,
I tried so much times with different snippets to achive the following, but I didn’t manage it.
I Would like to remove image overlay from a single image element.
img class: img.alignright.wp-image-1957.size-full
I tried the following with no result…
.wp-image-1957.size-full .image-overlay {
display: none;
visibility: hidden;
url: https://zoomit.gr/wordpress_2/store/antikoynoypiki-raketa-50ch21cm/
screenshot: https://prnt.sc/irufqp
Thank You in advance.
Best Regards,
Hey nickgin,
Please try
.overlay-type-image { display:none; }
and let us know if that could work properly.
Best regards,
Hi Basilis,
Thank you very much for your response.
That element is image with link, so I figured out with the following snippet.
a.alignright .image-overlay { visibility: hidden; }
It’s not absolutely right, but it’s ok for me at this moment.
You can close the ticket.
Best regards,
Hi Nick,
Glad you got it working for you! :)
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,