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  • #927843

    So, on the main menu I have mapped the site to certain parts. The issue I am having is that certain buttons like Jason in Action will take me to a different section when I first click on it. Then if I click on it a second time or any time after that it works fine. It goes to the right place.

    I double checked the id I gave to the section as well as the mapping. It all seems to work good. Any ideas?


    Hey mcristina959,
    I don’t find the ID “inaction” on your page. I do see that your link “JASON IN ACTION” has the ID “reel”
    This explains why your link above doesn’t go to the JASON IN ACTION section, try using this link:

    Best regards,


    OK, Maybe when you checked it I was in the middle of testing. I tried changing the id to reel just in case the inaction id was set someone else i couldn’t find. But no luck.

    So, if you go to the site. Click on the main menu “Jason in Action” it takes you to a different area in the site, somewhere in the middle of the about area. Now if you click on another menu item like “Jason in Print” and then click back to “Jason in Action” it works perfectly and takes you to the correct place. It is the weirdest thing. I am not sure why it doesn’t work the first time around.

    Can you please take a look again?



    Ok so it looks like all the buttons behave the same except the first one “Jason in Print” All the others dont work the first time around but work fine after the second click :-$

    So Strange


    Can you please include a admin login in the private content area so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Victoria.

    Ok, I cleaned all of these up to see if that was the issue. But still no luck it keeps doing the same.
    Can you please take a look and see if you can notice anything else?

    Thank you


    So, after trial and error of many things I discovered the Masonery gallery is the one causing the issue. If you go to this page

    the same page without the photo galleries, all the buttons work like a charm. Any ideas?


    I found that the link lands on the anchor correctly, but the Masonery gallery is loading afterwards and pushes the page down, so by the time you see the page it looks like it is not on the anchor.
    Please see this explanation
    So the solution is to set a min-height for the Masonery gallery element.
    I added this css code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    #print.avia-section {min-height: 8151.49px !important; }

    and tested it in a couple of browsers, and it seems to work.
    please clear your browser cache and check.
    I know you are still working on your site, so we may need to make adjustments when your are done, for example, if your Masonery gallery turns out to be a different size later. Also while these css sectors work now, typically we like ones that are a little more targeted with the page id to prevent future conflicts. But for now this should be ok.

    Best regards,


    That makes total sense!

    However, I am not sure its working. I tried to clean cache, looked in another browser and keep having the same issue :-$

    Can you please ee i anything else needs to be done?

    Thank you


    I took another look and found that I mis-calculated the height of the section. I adjusted the code again and cleared your site cache. This is the new code:

    #print.avia-section {min-height: 941.600px !important; }

    I then tested in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge on Windows, clearing my browser cache before each link test. I can’t test on iOS, but can’t imagine a issue there.
    Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,

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