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  • #924813


    Was wondering if you had done (or know of any implementations of) the Enfold theme in a scholastic environment. High school, College, vocational training, etc. Needing to list courses, schedules, etc. We already use Enfold for a site and would love to use it for another. Thanks!


    Hey jamesrapage,

    I’m not sure if that has been done before, but the context of your content shouldn’t matter much I think. If you need lists then there are elements for that in the layout builder and also in TinyMCE.

    Best regards,



    Is there any way to upload an excel doc with value (or XML, etc.) to auto populate pages and fields? If for a school, adding course numbers, descriptions, text, etc…this would be a must to get info onto pages. We love the Avia builder and would hate to go with another template without it.

    Here is an example: , and under COURSES, you can see we would want all of the pages to be populated with sets of data.




    As far as I know, WordPress themes do not support this feature out of the box. You can easily import XML using a third party plugin. There are many options available to import the XLM to WordPress tables. We have not tested this but you can try whichever suits you the best from the google search result….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..2.5.973…0i7i30k1j0i8i7i30k1j0i13k1j0i30k1j0i5i30k1.0.dlgjmE9ycKE

    Best regards,

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