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  • #924314

    I’ve had multiple issues after upgrading to 4.2.6. I’ve followed a bunch of other posts here and have been able to fix most of them, but still having a few I’d love your help with. I have upgraded my PHP to 7, so I don’t think that’s the issue.

    The CSS for the buttons is now being ignored. Ones that should be centered are not anymore, there’s no padding, sizes are wrong, etc.

    The self hosted video doesn’t seem to be loading on the home page in the link above.

    Also, I had to remove the events_countdown.php file – it was causing the following fatal error. I upgraded automatically, upgraded via ftp – nothing worked to fix the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare av_countdown_events_fallback() (previously declared in /home2/shannon1/public_html/ in /home2/shannon1/public_html/ on line 12


    Hey Taryn,

    Your ftp version is old we are afraid.
    Please consider update to a Bigger Version.

    Thank you

    Best regards,


    Bigger Version? I have 4.2.6 installed – I checked just now, and there isn’t a newer version. What do you mean? Just in case, I just uploaded the version 4.2.6 from my Themeforest account, which I downloaded 30 minutes ago. Also, my system is telling me I have 4.2.6 installed. I’m confused and still need help with the issues I mentioned.



    Sorry for the problems. Please try to remove this file via FTP: /themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/events_countdown.php

    The reason why this needs to be done is because that file has moved to a new location in 4.2.6.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, but I am still having issues with the buttons and the video. The CSS for buttons is being ignored since I upgraded to 4.2.6, and the video on the home page doesn’t load. Please help. Thanks!



    Thanks for the feedback. I can see that the video is not loading on your front page. Did you try to upload it to Youtube or Vimeo instead to see if that works better? You could also try a different element, a Color Section for instance.

    About the buttons; I’m not sure where I can see the problem? Please link directly to where we can see the elements in question and point out the problems there.

    Best regards,


    Hi – so I did link to the page in my first post. It’s The button in the menu is fine, but all the other buttons are not. The Contact Me link at the bottom of that page is displaying as just a link and the other buttons throughout the site are no longer adhering to the CSS rules they were before I updated to 4.2.6. I am using large or extra large buttons, but they are displaying with no padding, very small, etc. I’ve tried explaining this multiple times so I’m wondering if you can’t see any issue with the buttons? How do I send you a screenshot?




    Please use a service like

    to send us over an image! :D

    Best regards,


    I’m hoping these links to screenshot images will work? I don’t really want to sign up for another service I don’t need just to share a screenshot if that’s okay. if this doesn’t work, please let me know. I’d really like to see how we can please get this fixed.



    Hi Taryn,

    You still have old files in the theme. Can you please remove the Enfold folder and upload the fresh copy via FTP?

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much for your help! I’d been updating the theme via ftp over the top of the old one, so I guess it was leaving the old files in there. Removing everything worked. :)


    Hi Taryn,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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