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  • #921365

    Tengo una duda, acerca de las licencias, que no me queda muy clara.
    Yo compre un producto vuestro (enfold) que lo utilizo actualmente en mi website. Ahora estoy preparando otro webside, que, aunque se accederá desde otro dominio, es mi propio “negocio”, es una extensión de mi web (o dominio) original. Puedo utilizar la misma plantilla “enfold”?
    Muchas gracias. Un saludo.


    Hey albert_lleida,

    Could you please provide your question in English so we can be able to help you out with it please?

    Thank you very much

    Best regards,


    I have a question about licensing.
    I buy a product of yours (enfold) that I use now on my website. Now I am preparing another webside, which, although it will be accessed from another domain, is my own “business”, it is an extension of my original web (or domain). Can I use the same “enfold” template?
    Thank you very much. A greeting.



    You will need a separate Enfold license for each instance of a site that you use it on.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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