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  • #920571

    Hi All,

    So I imported some products from a previous woocommerce install into a new website i am building. It imports just fine. I went to edit the products, I converted into advanced editor which works fine, but when I save it, it reverts back to the default editor. The only way it works is if i create a new product. I don’t want to do that because this site has about 70+ products and having to create 70 products again would be too much of a hassle!

    i hope someone has ran into this issue and nows how to fix it.


    Well i kind of fixed it, but I used a plug-in called WP All import Pro with the woocommerce plug-in. For some odd reason..when you import using woocommerce’s import it does not allow you to save your product with an advanced layout but i guess importing with that plug-in did.

    But the issue no matter what is still i hope there is a fix to it



    We are afraid that is not related to our theme and there is not something we can do to help you out.
    The issue is on WOoCommerce and they way they are handling importing.

    Best regards,

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