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  • #918942


    Do you know of any wordpress plugin that can hide the page source on a page?



    no – if someone has a bit of html knowledge it is not possible to hide it.

    What do you want to achieve with this ?

    Enfold offers something “to better reflect your own branding” via filter LINK

    /** All of the Styling options you set in the theme’s Styling options get saved to a file in your uploads folder called enfold.css.
    If you have changed the theme name or something like that you may want to re-name this file to better reflect your own branding. You can use the following function to do just that: */

    add_filter('avia_dyn_stylesheet_file_path', 'avia_change_filename');
    function avia_change_filename($stylesheet){
    return 'myfilename.css';

    Thanks for your reply.
    It looks like there are several plugins for this:

    or am I wrong?
    I need just need to hide one of my pages source and I can’t show you because the page is password protected.


    i would like to see a page which is online with it.
    i guess there are a lot of security plugins – but nearly 90% goes to the category: snakeoil

    Currently, it has come to refer to any product with questionable or unverifiable quality or benefit.

    A lot of things can be done without the need of a plugin and with the benefit that it will not cost performance
    in htaccess file !
    this is one standard which i have on all my wordpress installs
    On those page which are very important to secure i do a htpasswd / serverside login. etc.

    # Secure your wp-config
    # Disallow access to important files
    <FilesMatch "(^\.|wp-config\.php|xmlrpc\.php|(?<!robots)\.txt|(liesmich|readme)\.*)">
       Require all denied
    # secure htaccess-file
    <files ~ "^.*\.([Hh][Tt][Aa])">
    order allow,deny
    deny from all
    satisfy all
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.

    Sorry but I really don’t understand what I shall do.
    Your reply is way to complicated!!! Unusual for this support forum I most say.


    if you have no other chance to make it this way – try.
    Most security experts, however, do not see any sense in such plugins; rather another security risk.
    Read the testimonials on their own site.
    Test it – and report your experience here. – There are no easy answers in this regard except perhaps 42


    Hi Charlotte,

    I’m not aware of any way of doing that unfortunately, you can disable right clicking but it’s still easy to see the source code. The plugin you linked to is a security plugin and won’t do what you are looking to achieve.

    Why exactly do you want to do this?

    Best regards,

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