Ive done research and found a few older topics on this but i cant seem to make the easy slider full width pause on hover. I cant find the line of code its referencing as i don’t believe it exists anymore in newer version. any help would be much appreciated.
The instructions i found referenced
hoverpause: false,
hoverpause: true,
Hey lucky7t,
It’s still there, if you are using 4.2.3 it’s in line 4754 and on 4.2.4 it’s in line 4383. Hope this helps.
Best regards,
ok another problem. I updated the theme to 4.2.4 and now the line is on 4383 but when i change it it still rotates on hover.
can you help please?
here is the line 4383
//pause if mouse cursor is above item
hoverpause: true,
also if you click the navigation left or right then it pauses and will not start sliding again. Obviously an issue. Let me know your thoughts
I corrected the issue.It was my fault. I had to delete the cache. I have cache plugin.
Thank you for your time with me. Please close this thread as solved
Thanks for the feedback and I’m glad you found the problem. I’ll close this thread for now, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.
Best regards,