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  • #911159
    Neil Krause

    Hello, my name is Neil Krause, representing Zeqon.

    Your various themes have become fairly popular on the internet, which is very good for your business. Unfortunately we have come across many leaked and cracked versions of your product on file sharing websites.

    Even though this is probably not too surprising to you, it can still come as a shock as you have put hard work and dedication into the production, marketing and release of your software. Would you be surprised if I said that your product has over 500 downloads on a single forum alone?

    These downloaders could be potential customers as they are already interested in your software. If the product was not already available online for free, about 30% of people would have bought the product legitimately! Even if only 10 users purchased it from you, we are still talking hundreds of dollars.

    Here are a few links of only one of your themes we found with a quick search on Google. As you can see, your product is leaked on many file sharing sites!

    We have found several other links on the internet that are also giving your product away for free. In websites, private forums and private torrent trackers. And Enfold is not the only theme that is on the web.

    We are able to practically completely wipe these links off of the internet, making it almost impossible to get your product for free. With our process we remove the easy to find links that potential buyers may find. Then, we continue to remove the links from the underground membership sites. We have accumulated hundreds of memberships on underground forums, so we are able to REALLY make it impossible to get your software from a file hosting site.

    We are a small startup of two young developers who know well how piracy works on the internet, from the crackers to the final consumer. We used to be part of it, after all. One of us was a moderator of one of the biggest file sharing forums on the internet.

    For a small fee, we will take care of finding and taking down the places where your products are being downloaded for free. We also offer monthly plans.

    We guarantee the return will be bigger than your expenditure.


    Neil Krause
    126 Pierrepont St
    New York, NY 11201

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Yigit. Reason: moved links to private content field

    Hey Neil,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    We will forward your offer to Kriesi. In the meantime, could you please share a link to your website where we can read more about your monthly plans, let us know if this process requires any changes on theme files and share results of similar works you have done in the past so we can review them before we decide? :)

    Best regards,

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