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  • #909778


    I want to make column clickable. I followed these instructions but it did not work for me. Instead it shows white column but clickable.

    Please assist.



    Hi Aadil,

    We are planning to add such feature to the theme. If your case is not urgent, we would recommend you to wait a little while :)



    the problem is that josues edited columns.php shortcode is more than 2 Years old

    here is one edited new columns.php file of Enfold 4.2.3 on pastebin : columns.php with clickable link

    or as direct download: Download

    i have inserted on the edited lines some comments !

    1) Now download it – and upload it to your child-theme/shortcodes folder
    2) insert in functions.php of your child-theme:

    add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);
    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths)
      $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
          array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/');
      return $paths;

    3) see how it looks on ALB:
    see here in Action ( the red 1/2 column):



    Danke schön @guenni007 :)



    Well i see that Josue has not included a link_target option – so i try to implement that too


    Hi Guenni,

    Thank you so much for prompt response. I Can see ‘All Link’ option in ALB, but when i add link here : i see this on front page :

    Any idea what is wrong with that?



    First i edited again links are the same as above.
    I added the option to set the link target !

    1) on which version of enfold you are with your install ?
    2) what is behind that custom-class (iconboxstyle) ? (css code please)


    I am using Version: 4.2.

    What i did :

    I made a folder shortcodes in child theme. I uploaded your columns.php file in that folder. I added above provided code in functions.php file.

    What i did wrong i think i uploaded your same columns.php file in enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/columns.php i replaced original file with yours. Is that something i am doing wrong?

    Thanks for all your help.


    the code above sets the possibility to overwrite parent shortcodes (or insert new one)
    you don’t need to replace the parent theme file ( this is why child-themes are the best solution)

    did you inserted the code to functions.php of the child-theme? or to the parent-theme?
    Child is the way to do!


    I replaced the file thats the mistake i did i think. Yes i placed code in child-theme functions.php file.


    i guess i know: it does not make a sense to set for iconbox a link here !


    Luckily i had downloaded original file and i have uploaded that back. Thanks


    Any other way to do same thing? I want to insert link to each 1/4 column.


    you see that :

    and think of Josues css code:

    a.flex_column {
        text-decoration: none !important;

    I am sorry i didn’t get. What to do with this code GUENNI shall i add that in Quick Css?


    see my test page –
    1) if iconbox itself get a link – the structure was destroyed. (
    2) first of the 1/4 th columns got no link on iconbox – everything is ok.
    3) if you have a text-block in that clickable column – the text will get his hover state- to avoid underlining you have to set some css code


    if we remove link from icon and title itself. Then we can add link to 1/4th column? Will that work fine?


    Any idea what could be wrong with mine?


    Also i am facing one more issue if you could help me out please i’ll be really thanks.

    I am using enfold save element option. I have create “Our Services” Section on home page. I saved that Color section and imported on another page. When i update page Color section is not there. Its gone. I am facing this issue. I need that resolved please.

    Thanks for all your help.


    I imported again and updated page and its gone. What’s wrong with my editor. Please assist.


    here is a little tutorial of mine:

    it is nearly all the same thing – an edited ALB Element comes to child-theme / shortcodes folder
    your changings are on the bottom of that tut.

    If you do not have after that success please wait til a mod is here and give him the account information in private area.
    Maybe the could help you in that case


    Thanks for sharing it with me. Any chance you tell me why save element option is not working on my template?

    Here it is again if you could tell me what’s the issue :

    Also i am facing one more issue if you could help me out please i’ll be really thanks.

    I am using enfold save element option. I have create “Our Services” Section on home page. I saved that Color section and imported on another page. When i update page Color section is not there. Its gone. I am facing this issue. I need that resolved please.

    Thanks for all your help.


    i’m now looking for the code error : why the link_target does not work on my end.


    Can you fix that link issue. It will be great help!


    Yes – please download again. Download

    it seems that you have to pull in new columns to be influenced of the new code.


    It doesn’t work for me even i used same new 1/4 column. No luck!

    Thanks anyways for your help :)


    you have clicked on one of those columns. because the visual hover-state of my test-page is in quick css.

    you have downloaded the column.php again as in thread here

    you have read this carefully:



    let us know if you find Guenni007’s suggestion solves your issue. Thanks @Guenni007

    Best regards,

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