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  • #909402

    1) I am trying to create a full screen video slider, but after using Layer Slider, Revolution Slider and the theme slider I always get a gap at the top.

    2) I also tried using the theme slider with a video and it does not load.

    3) None of the video sliders seem to work on Safari

    Please assist – thank you (credentials below)


    Hey advancedcms,

    Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.2.3) to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    The theme has been updated, but it didn’t help/change anything.



    First link:

    Did you try to set your header to transparent? You can do so in the Layout menu on the right hand side of the edit screen.

    Second link:

    The fullwidth video is working on my end using both Chrome and Safari, and I see no gap above it on either one of those browsers either. Did you try to clear you browser cache and reload the page?

    Best regards,



    On the second link the video doesn’t load and shows half a screen of gray and half a screen of black. You can see it fine on your end, so I don’t know what advice you can give if you cannot see what the problem is, so let’s focus on the 1st link (the home page).

    On the 1st link, this is what it looks like: and yes it is set for transparent header.

    Yes have cleared the cache, checked on other browsers, had friends check and they all see the same thing (except for the people on Safari who don’t see the video running at all)….,

    I was hoping by now someone would have logged in to take a quick glance and see what may be wrong. I don’t mean to be rude, but I just don’t want to go back and forth day after day and you asking if I did this and that and me replying I did (or didn’t).

    Can someone please just use the credentials I sent three days ago and take a quick glance to see if you can spot the problem? It’s your theme and you may see right away if I missed some setting. I would appreciate it.


    Please disregard – figured it out by myself.



    Glad that you figured it out. Thanks for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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