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  • #899843

    Hi team,

    Can not seem to get the icon font importer to work.
    Have added SVG files to fontello font and downloaded (no errors reported by fontello)
    I click to import the file. Error ” couldn’t add the font because server didn’t respond”
    The font was successfully uploaded to the media section. Upon trying to choose it same error occurs.
    I downloaded the font from the WP install to make sure the file is complete and the icons appear ok in the demo.html.

    Please offer advice.

    Thanks, Steve


    Hey bodnikwebservices,

    Can you please check server log for error?

    Best regards,



    Thanks for your reply. the only error in the error_log in the WP install directory is listed below. The date seems to be when the WP was initially installed and does not seem to pertain to the icon issue.

    [01-Dec-2017 15:48:55 UTC] WordPress database error Query execution was interrupted for query SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘avia_options_enfold_child_dynamic_pages’ LIMIT 1 made by include_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), include(‘/themes/enfold/functions.php’), require_once(‘/themes/enfold/framework/avia_framework.php’), avia_superobject->__construct, avia_superobject->_create_option_arrays, get_option


    I tried to enable zip uploads on the server but that did not appear to be the problem.The file seems to upload correctly but it will not “install” the font.
    Is there a minimum PHP version required to install the font? I have submitted the wp logon in the previous post if that will help.

    Is there any other possible reasons?
    Am I sending you the correct server log?





    I compared the PHP options of my installation to yours. Looks like the zip library is missing in your server. Please contact your hosting provider and ask them to enable it.

    Zip enabled
    Zip version 1.13.5
    Libzip version 1.1.2


    Best regards,



    Thanks your confirmation it was not installed put me on the right track.
    Here is the solution for anyone with the “couldn’t add the font because the server….” error
    This applies to people on godaddy…


    Hi bodnikwebservices,

    Glad you got it working for you and thank you for sharing! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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