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  • #896993

    Enfold Version 4/2

    This is the oddest thing.
    Working on a clients site and now in one page when I try to edit it it is showing the sites actual homepage in the advanced layout editor. Very odd.

    I had to resort to not using advanced layout editor and using shortcodes for the page. I would prefer not to as I love the advanced layout editor. The page looks fine when viewing it via the page url, it is just the advanced layout editor that is borked. No other page does this.

    What is interesting, is when I try to remake it, it happens again. It may be something with the order of elements in it, I really don’t know.

    It is a new license for the theme so I am hoping you can take a look.


    Hey Michael,

    I see the same thing on my end, not sure why that is happening though. Could you try deactivating all plugins to see if one of them is causing a conflict please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Just did it and the home page overlay was from a plugin called “All 404 Redirect to Homepage”

    However, the home page overlay was the symptom of the issue it seems. After you login, please go to the page link in the private content area. You’ll see the advanced layout shows up. Yay!.

    But from here click on the first builder item which is the Special Heading. Change the Subheading text to “Get your Paint On” without quotes (Note that it will not even show that Phrase in the Element Preview Pane) and try to save as a draft. When it comes back the advanced layout section just spins and spins, never bringing up the data needed. (private content holds the short codes for this page if you need to try again. It all comes down to that particular phrase in the subheading. This happens even with ALL plugins deactivated. Can you repeat on your end?

    Just noticed that it does not like the word ‘Get’. Maybe it thinks it is calling something, code wise.

    I have even tried a theme re-install (v4.2) and it still happens.

    I tried this on another site I use Enfold on that is hosted on Hostgator and it works with that phrase. The two sites I have on namecheap hosting using Enfold 4.2 have this issue.

    Hopefully you can dig deeper than I and figure this one out. Odd eh?



    Thanks for the feedback, I did try to change the first heading but it seems to have worked on my end. Could you have a look please? Maybe something is going on locally on your computer, so please make sure to clear your browser cache and reload the page. Or try a different browser or incognito window in Chrome.

    Best regards,


    I see you changed the Main Heading. Please addd the text to the SUBHEADING of the element.

    Even just try GET.



    Sorry about that, I did try that now and I get the same error that you described earlier. The preview doesn’t change when Get is in there, and the builder just spins after saving the page. We actually have seen this happen before, I’m not sure if the word was get that time though.

    Could you try to activate debug mode in order to see shortcodes:, then copy all of the shortcode to a new page to see if that helps?

    Best regards,


    Short codes below in private field. Looks good and I can confirm if you use these short codes but remove Get Me A Beer, it builds properly.

    It all comes down to the use of the word GET


    Note, that I can have the word ‘get’ in the subheading sentence but it cannot be the first word. Using GET as the first word creates the problem.


    Any idea how to fix the issue?


    Hi Michael,

    Was about to check but the credentials did not work anymore. Could you please update the credentials? I have an idea of a workaround but need to look at the page first.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria ,

    The credentials have not changed at all. Can you please try again.




    Hi Michael,

    We released a new version of the theme yesterday (4.2.1), and we have changed a few things when it comes to the structure of the layout builder. I can’t promise that this will fix the problem you are having, but please try to update to that version to see if it helps:

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I can confirm that the new version 4.2.1 does not fix the issues.. Hopefully, you can have another look at it.




    Hi Michael,

    I checked, seems to be working, visible in preview and seems to be saved.
    Image 2018-01-20 at 10.09.39.png

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,



    It does not work. Use the word get as the first word in the SUBHEADING of that element and you will see it does not work after you save draft.


    Hi Michael,

    Oh, sorry, wrong element :)
    I put a span around “get” and it seems to work, please check.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I wish I could add an image in these forums. Ah, Imgur—> link in private area

    Are you telling me you had to go into shortcodes and add a <span> element around the subheading to get it to work? Why would I want to do that. I want to use the advanced editor.

    I went in again and I see NO difference to the page.

    Either way, what you are saying did not work.

    If you edit the Special Heading element and scroll down to the SUBHEADING text (see image) and add any phrase that starts with the word ‘Get’ (or even just use the word get as a single word), save the element, then SAVE the draft, you will see the Advanced layout Editor will NOT return.

    Please understand what I am saying.


    Hi Michael,

    Here are the threads about the issue.

    Best regards,


    Read the threads. OK I get it. Not your problem. .



    Thank you very much for your understanding.
    Please do create a new ticket if you need something else.

    Thank you

    Best regards,

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