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  • #896696

    Hi there,
    I have a problem with the Masonry Gallery.
    On my Homepage at the page ” Aktuelles”, I have three layout element in one row.
    The right one is a masonry gallery and I want it to stick there, independently from the other elements.
    Now the problem are the sizes of the elements. The masonry Gallery is big an the others are smaller. So there is a big gab (in height) between the elements.

    I hope you can understand my problem.



    Here’s a screenshot of what I mean. I want the second picture to be under the text of the first one.



    Can you use the following to provide the screenshot?

    I’m not able to view your link above.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hey, I just forgot to set the image as a link on dropbox. Now you can see it hopefully.
    Otherwise, you can see it on my Page (i sent you the link in the message above). I just want to “remove” this big gab between the text and the image.



    Hi Lena,

    Thanks for the screenshot, though a layout like that would have to be created with a sidebar. Could you try adding the blue elements on the right to a widget in a sidebar instead and show that sidebar on the page in question?

    Best regards,


    I don’t know how to realize that in a widget. It’s just easy to work with the masonry gallery.
    I tried it with a grid row. That worked, but the elements were smaller and there were white space around the grid row. Do you have any idea how to do it that way? I think it would be a lot more easier.

    best regards


    Hi Lena,

    Thanks for the feedback, though the white space you are looking to remove will always be there if you keep using the layout element from the builder. The best way would to add the blue icons to a sidebar widget, you can edit your sidebars and widgets under Appearance->Widgets.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,

    I don’t really know how to do it. can I save a template in a widget? Normally I don’t work with widgets.

    Best regards


    Hi Lena,

    Thanks for the feedback, the way WordPress usually works is that all your sidebar content is placed in widgets, our theme is no different to that. To make things easier for you, then using a sidebar and placing your sidebar content in there would be to get rid of the white space you are referring to.

    No, you cannot save templates in a widget.

    Best regards,

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