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  • #896162


    I have this css currently styling my Gravity Form submit button across the whole site to make it white, transparent and with a nice border radius:

    body .gform_wrapper .gform_footer input[type=submit]{
        color: #fff;
        border: 3px solid #fff;
        background: transparent;
        padding: 15px 30px 13px;
        font-size: 17px;
        min-width: 139px;
        border-radius: 3px;
    body .gform_wrapper .gform_footer input[type=submit]:hover {
        opacity: 0.7;

    However, I would like the form button to be just like the others but black on just one page/section ID on the site, as it will be against a white background.

    Would it be possible to get some help creating the correct CSS to make the button darker in the one section with the white background, please?

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Wordpressed.

    Hey WordPressed,

    You can target specific pages if you use the page-id class which you find in the body tag if you inspect the page in question in your browser. If you should need help then please post a link to the page in question.

    Best regards,

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